Saturday 26 June 2021

Coorville Gardens Residents Under 24 Hour Quarantine!

Effluent on
the street.

Residents in one section of Cooreville Gardens in Kingston, are now under a 24 hour daily quarantine. The roads are now covered with untreated effluent due to a challenge with the sewer system.

One resident says that she is unable to venture out of her house and the stench in the area us unbearable. Many persons in the area are unable to enjoy a meal since they are overwhelmed by the stench. One will certainly not be able to enjoy a taste meal under those conditions.

The National Water Commission has been advised of the plight of these residents in Coorville Gardens.

Video Of Effuent On The Street In Cooreville Gardens.


Chayil said...

Pleasant morning.
I hope the authorities address this issue fast.
I am wondering🤔:
When all that major road work was done on the boulevard, wasnt consideration re sewage in the area a part of it?
In my ignorance, I assume an upgrade of sorts would have been a must?
Communities with this plight must be given emergency attention. This is a humanitarian & Public Health issue.
We can do better than this!

Unknown said...

I live in Cooreville Gardens but have no clue of this, I hope it will be felt with soon.

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