Sunday 4 July 2021

Stop Waste, Corruption And Crime And Jamaica Will Be A First World Country!

Jamaica does not need a special court  for the stealing of electricity and water. We need a system supported by the government to deal with these challenges.

Corruption and the stealing of especially utility services has turn a significant portion of our people into criminals. The adults steal the utility services and the children grow knowing that is 'so di ting set'. These are the children who might become the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of Jamaica or even the Commissioner of Police. That is not a healthy state of affairs in a developing county like Jamaica. This challenges permeates the whole society and basically if we continue to run a country where a significant number of it’s citizens are involved in corrupt activities then there can be no future.

There was an article published recently in a daily newspaper about the level of stealing of electricity and also water. The figures quoted in the article are either not accurate or it is not clear whether the loss due to theft is a monthly figure or an annual one.

JPS states that there are about 200,000 persons who are connected to the grid illegally. If I assume that each person consumers a minimum of JAD15,000 monthly, then this could amount to about a loss of about JAD3 billion each month which would be JAD36 billion annually. The NWC says it is losing between JAD3.5 to JAD4.5 billion monthly. At JAD3.5 billion monthly, that would amount to JAD42 billion annually. Your are talking about losses which should raise major alarm bells nationally, and one would expect a national debate about this matter in parliament rather than MPs wasting time in parliament talking about who should sit where. Until we clean up this mess probably all parliamentarians should sit on the floor.

If we add the billions lost due to corruption, waste, inefficiency and the high crime rate, then we should not have to wonder why this is still a poor country.

We are tinkering with the system. This country needs radical systemic changes which requires us to set achievable targets and such targets must be achieved unless there is a good reason for not achieving such targets. There must also be accountability at all levels and those who do not match up to standard must pay dearly for it and should be made to pack their bags and go home. Then and only then we will be on the road to become a first world country and we can say, "Jamaica Land We Love". We must reduce the waste, corruption and crime in this country in order to become a First World Country. 

The question is, 'Who will stop it it?" Those who can stop it probably benefit from the corrupt system. 

Where corruption talks, crime walks!


Persons report that they are now feeling the effects of the storm in Portland. 

Click To Track The Storm Elsa

Other Readings

JPSCo wants special court for electricity theft.

Jamaica 5th most corrupt country in the Caribbean

Landscape assessment of political corruption - CAPRI Report.

Damming report to be addressed - Gleaner 

Trafigura not dead - Jamaica Observer

Corruption reads like a mafia business plan - Loop

JUTC staff ripping off JUTC - Gleaner

Manchester Parish Council Fraud Case. Gleaner



Marvelous Marven said...

They don't want to stop electricity thief at all they only want to pressure who is paying

Micspen said...

Yes sir Crime(any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment)is a multi billion$ industry from which several businesses are derived
Legitimately eg 12,000 members of the JCF and 70,000 security guards plus lawyers,judges,correctional officers,cars,food supplies,electricity and other utility supplies,computer technology,educational supplies ammunition and guns.The Illigitimate side of the industry uses very much the same things.The crime industry is about 7% of GDP more than or equal to Agriculture.If you add corruption to crime it becomes a most attractive area of the Jamaican economy and examine it, "most Jamaicans are criminals no one is exempt".To reduce crime nationally awareness is a must so that the people can be of the resolve to police themselves and arrest crime. The police and the government with SOEs and ZOSOs will only be able to have marginal impact nationally.It turns out that without a holistic approach and even a national ZOSO application meaning that it becomes a national program from Negril to Morant points.If not the crime industry will continue to grow exponentially.

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