Saturday 24 July 2021

The Winning Festival Song Which Is A Loser!!!


Nothing is wrong with experimenting but I believe that there is too much experimenting with the people's Festival Song Competition and this will lead to the eventual death of it. The winning song performed by dancehall artiste Stacious called 'Jamaican Spirit', certainly lacked the Jamaican Festival spirit. Stacious name is Stacey Scarlett Bryan.

First, I believe that Jamaicans want festival songs that remind them of the independence season, songs that make them want to dance and celebrate, and songs that every woman, man and child will be singing and dancing to. We must understand that Festival is about celebrating our independence. When we think of Christmas we think of Christmas Carols, Easter we think of  Easter hymns, now we have Carnival and we think of calypso music so at independence celebrations we think of Festival songs.  We do not play Christmas songs at Easter so why do we want to play Festival songs throughout the year as some of the organizers want us to do.

We need to understand that our Festival Songs should be about celebrating Jamaica and what is good about Jamaica.  We are not fussy about whether the lyrics make sense or not. The songs just need to sound like Festival songs. You might ask what a Festival Song sounds like? I would say,  have a talk with the spirits of Toots or Eric Donaldson or have a talk with Roy Rayon.

We are talking about making these songs international - rubbish.  Our first priority should be to  have songs that Jamaicans here and overseas love and which they will sing with and dance to during our Independence Celebrations. If the world wants to love these songs then no problem. The problem is we are not even certain if we celebrate Independence or Emancipendence!

Hugh Nash, CD, JP
We seem to have forgotten who the competition is for. It is not for intellectuals, it is not for politicians, it is not for the church, it is not for business people but for those who want to celebrate our independence and feel good about our achievements as a country. My opinion is that we have wasted funds and time to have a Festival Song Competition and we have ended up without a song for 2021. Once again, a few million dollars have gone down the drain for the Festival Song 2021. You should play the winning Song by Stacious and then post your feedback at the end of this blog. Mr. Seaga and Mr. Hugh Nash must be in
Most Hon. Edward Seaga

heaven wondering what the hell is going on with the Festival Song for 2021.

What a life, what a country.

Note: I am a former member of the JCDC board and I have chaired the Festival Song Competition Committee in the past. I was also involved in the Tastee Talent Competition for many years with Lois Grant.


Unknown said...

Worse festival song ever. That's a dance hall song it's not saying anything about Jamaica we've lost it as a nation everything water down

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you Vernon. Absolutely rubbish. This song is dead and has nothing to do with festival. I wonder how much they pay the judges to make her win ....either that or the judges are deaf and blind. SMH...kmdt.

Just sis G said...

O my God what is really happening to my country that I love so much .we have to take a look back on those festival songs and take a note from them.What we teaching our children.We must proud about country.Thank u Vernon for talking out .love u my bro .Don't do what u doing

Just sis G said...

Stop do what u doing I meant to say

Rayon serious said...

It's dead already. Nobody singing festival songs again. I think every year at least until we get it right, 1 or 2 of the good old time participants must be invited to the thing. At least bring back some vibes and some spirit back to the ting. Jah know star.

Dr. Marjorie Vassell - LiveSmart360 said...

All about her, nothing to do with Jamaica, Independence nor Festival. Very inappropriate choice as a Festival song.

Unknown said...

Pure foolishness, 3M dollars down the drain. We can all go back and sing the old festival songs from the past and have a jolly good time again.
The organizers can stay with Stacious.😝

Unknown said...

I was very disappointed on this dancehall song....It was just a disgrace on the was all political in the music industry......

Unknown said...

I was very disappointed on the choice of this song

Unknown said...

It was all about the artist and her fan base ....It had Notting to do with the celebration of Independent and the Jamaican people

Unknown said...

Yes Mr. Derby I totally agree with you, festival is festival and the song being sung should have the festival spirit, whether mento or otherwise. I don't like it one bit

Unknown said...

Sir Derby I cannot over emphasized that there was not winner in the true sense of festival songs completion this year, nothing in those songs demonstrate jamaica has achieved independence status since 1962 no festivity in them ,new arrangement has to made, Bobsie leave this arrangement to J CDC

Unknown said...

Lite or no promotion. Best voice and most relevant and "upful" song was by Kimela Isaacs. Smh! My tax dollars gone down the drain again!

Unknown said...

Final judgement should be decided by the judges. They are the ones musically educated for such a task and not the public.

Unknown said...

I have played for two of the most controversial festival songs.(Festival Time and Stop And Go) This one take the cake as the worst one.

Kingstonism said...

Jamaica 🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲 sends a hearty congratulations 👏 👏👏👏 Lady Stacious. Big up to the other participants as well. Come on Jamaica let us all unite around this one. 🇯🇲 UNITY 🇯🇲 !

Nort Coast View said...

The song has. no memorable hook to it. Underwhelming.

The light said...

Totally disappointed. This is not for the occasion.

The light said...

This song is not for the occasion

DesireeJA said...

Doesn't seem so bad to me; wouldn't be the only Festival song winner not to mention Jamaica by name - it's a popular song competition not an independence day song competition. It's also not meant to be stuck in "retro" but as a popular song would be expected to have a contemporary style. Words seemed suitable for an Olympic year as well

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

The song is used in the celebration of our Independence. It is not just a popular song competition. The question is, is this song popular or it is the artiste who is popular?

Sassy said...

I agree. This is one of the worst festival Songs. It lacks almost everything that a festival song should have. It does not even make you fell to celebrate. The music is off key in places. No sah.

Sassy said...

I dont know which one because I dont even know the name

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

Thant is funny :)

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

It is historic then!

Unknown said...


Nyema said...

All those who enter a festival song took the boat for the Popular Song Compitition, so it was set for Lady Stacious to be the winner of that segment,so dont basher, its not her fault, she only did what was told to enter. However, the boat for the Festival Song Compitition still waiting for participants, if they had entered then Ms Issac would be the winner from my observation, and its also a popular song in my view. I suggest split the money and return the Festival Song Compitition along with the Popular Song Compitition so that Jamaica can enjoy the holiday festivities once more. I listen to music wish i could do what they do

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