Saturday 14 August 2021

Breaking News - Earthquake Felt In Jamaica

I felt a slight movement of the house this morning in Jamaica and it felt like an earthquake. I also got a message from an On The Ground Reporter stating that earthquake tremors were felt in St. Mary.

Add your comments to this blog stating if you felt the earthquake, where you felt it and at what time you felt it. State also if there are any damage in your area.

Please share this post with many persons as possible, so that I can get as many feedback as possible.


Protect d assets said...

Felt in liguanea st andrew

Unknown said...

Didn't feel it all all

Unknown said...

It was very heavy in Portmore. I felt it approximately 7:35 am.

Unknown said...

Didnt feel a thing.

Unknown said...

Didn't feel a thing in Tomb Stone St. Elizabeth
First heard about it talking to a relative in England

Tresa said...

I felt it in kitson town sometime after 7:30 a.m.

Althea Hewitt said...

Wow it happened so quick I didn't even register time. It felt like 5-10 seconds of shaking. Kgn Jamaica

Unknown said...

Still waiting on its measurement here in JA.

Anonymous said...

I didn't feel it at all , but only to here Haiti got destroyed again, god help them.

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