Friday 13 August 2021

What Is Happening - August 13, 2021

Major Traffic Pile Up In Harbour View

One of my On The Ground Reporters is reporting that there is a major traffic build up near to Harbour View in Kingston.  Police are on the scene and one side of that corridor from cement Company to Habour View has been converted into a two two corridor. You could have some difficulty traversing that area now. I got this report at about 1000 EST. At 1218 the traffic was still moving slowly between the Cement Company and Harbour View .

Traffic Snarl In Harbour View

Note: The following message was received from my On The Ground Reporter, Leslie Williams who is based in Grand Cayman and who was heading to  the Norman Manley Airport in Kingston Jamaica this morning:

I was on my way to the airport after 8:00 this morning when I realized something was wrong. I saw 9 bullet holes through the wind screen of a pro box.  One bullet hole through the window of the passenger side and what appeared to be a dead man on the back seat of the said car.

Parties Continue - Covid-19 Or No Covid-19

Although the incidents of  Covid-19 continue to soar the number of parties continue to soar in the country and it is clear that many don't care and the security forces hands are full at this time.

Party At An Unknow Locaton

Reserve Business Time For The Elderly

Many elderly persons are having a major challenge going to the banks and having to stand up for extended periods in the sun. Help me to call for Senior Citizens Time from 0900 and 1200 on Mondays. This would mean that these person would go to the head of the line when they go to do business on a Monday. Let us treat our elders better, because one day you could be an elder and you certainly would want to get special treatment. befitting someone who have served for many years. 

Note: I just got information that persons who were in a taxi in the Harbour View area have been shot. If you have any information then send me a text message to (876) 816-5261.

If you support the suggestions on my page, then show your support by sharing the page with someone else.



Megatony said...

I totally agree with setting special time for senior citizens to do business. But it seem those who can make it better love to see ppl pack up like cow and goat. The tax office is another that could be more helpful to the seniors.
Another thing is that banks and most government buildings don't have sanitary convinence so ppl end up wetting them selves in the line. Sigh!!!

Unknown said...

Good suggestion re the time for senior citizens

Unknown said...

There are much fewer tellers in the bank now, that adds to the time you have to wait. I went to the bank last Friday and the Friday which was end of month Friday only 2 tellers in the bank. We are taking about covid and I thought the sooner we get out the bank the better it is. No so at all you wait outside and then you wait inside then you are finding out the bank doesn't do certain transactions anymore and you have wasted all that time.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know party was the staff of life, or it it cause most people heart to beat? These people are next level, all that for party.most people don't really care about the elderly, I've witnessed that first hand many times,I'm not sure you can teach people to care, no! You have to care naturally,even the little senior citizens lines most people have a problem with now a days.

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