Wednesday 8 September 2021

Terrible Roads In Belvedere

Due to heavy rains, areas in Belvedere have been badly affected and the roads are in a terrible state. Residents have great difficulties navigating in and out of the area. Persons are also very concerned about the wear and tear on the motor vehicles. A resident said that the water comes from Red Hills and deposits muds and debris at this point. There is also a huge crater in the road as well. The matter has been brought to the attention of Minister Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn and Mr. Anthony Hylton whose constituencies include parts of the area..

If you live in the area and can give more specific information in terms of location, please add as a comment to this post.

Pictures Taken Of The Area



Protect d assets said...

Why pay taxes?

Unknown said...

I have been on this road near to Aris Avenue. It is terrible. The MPs should do something about. Nigel Clarke, Juliet Cuthbert and Hylton are the 3 MPs responsible for that area. What a life...what a country.

Derealest said...

It has been months since nwc came and dug the roads in belvedere for a much needed purpose of improving our water supply. However, with all the rains some areas have now been subjected to single lane traffic....y do we have MPs and y do we pay taxes i wondee

Unknown said...

The roads in Belvedere and adjoining communities are indeed in an atrocious state. Most of the deterioration is caused when NWC excavate the roadway to carry out repairs to broken pipelines and months later no attempt is made to repave. Sad state of affairs.

Unknown said...

It's really sad, major work was done to address water woes. Now all that investment has gone down the drain as the roadway is disappearing. NWC & NWA must respond to the citizens' repeated requests for the roads to be fixed.

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