Tuesday 14 September 2021

What's Happening - September 14, 2021

Sam Carty Does Another One For The Lovers

Sam Carty with that unique voice which he has used to sing a song in the Hindu, done mento style music, written and perforemed many reggae songs and love song to melt the hearts of lovers, is at it again. This one is call 'Loving You Will Never Be The Same'.

Sam Carty is affiliated to Artiste For Change which is a group of creative persons who are working to ensure that great uplifting music of the highest standard is produced for Jamaica and the world.

Click to play 'Love Will Never Be The Same' 

This Is One Fit Lady!

This lady is certain a fit lady who no man should test. She will outlast you on the dance floor. I am still trying to ascertain which country this video was taken.

Large Crowds Gather At Vaccination Centres

Councillor Caretaker Marvin Clarke says that there was confusion at the Yallahs vaccination centre in Western St. Thomas.  He says that he is again renewing calls for the activation of more vaccination sites in the western end of the parish, and/or for one of the mobile vaccination units recently received from the Government of China, to be assigned to the western St. Thomas constituency for a 30 - 60 days period.

Roy Rayon Takes Us To Westmoreland

DSP Elsa Smith Sees Sandra Whyte Off At NMA

DSP Elsa Smith on the far left and Sandra Whyte standing next to her prior to Sandra Whyte departing for Dubai to a conference. Sandra is the General Secretary for the National Police Youth Club.


Unknown said...

Government is asking people to take up the vaccine and when you go to the vaccination site, you can't get any vaccine because of poor organization and crowd.

Vernon Lloyd Derby said...

We have not been able to get the appointment system to work. That would help in reducing the crowds. Get it done because it is better to have to put up with the crowds rather than having to deal with Covid-19.

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