Sunday 25 December 2022

Meet A Beautiful Family

One of the great things for me in life is to meet people who exude love from their hearts and you cannot but help but be attracted by their spirit.

Today I met a beautiful couple in the supermarket with their beautiful daughter. The smile on their faces, and just how well the colours of their outstanding outfits matched their personality. The colour yellow which reminds one of the bright shining sun which reflected their charming and bright personality.

Have a look at them and tell me what you think. Yesterday was their engagement at church and they will be getting married in February 2023. Akeem, Arleen and their daughter.


Reggaetom said...

Yes I agree, they look great, all the best with their upcoming wedding

Anonymous said...

They look very stunning and exude a positive vibe. Best wishes to them on their journey through this complex life. God blessings on the family.

Anonymous said...

beautiful. elegant..a so we must look ..likecthecrehsl royal people we are

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