Monday 27 February 2023

An Old Picture - Do You Recognize Anyone in It

This picture was taken at St. Benedict's Catholic Church in Harbour View many years ago. Can you recognize anyone in this picture? You should be able to recognize at least two persons! Which two do you recognize? 

It was Ranny Williams performing and I was on the organ. I subsequently joined Ranny in the National Pantomime and later on started doing standup comedy. Ranny Williams, Charles Hyatt, Prince Edwards and I teamed up to do a standup comedy show at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, but Ranny died before the show. I am the only one still alive! 



Anonymous said...

I see Ranny Williams . Story- telling time!

Anonymous said...

Ranny Willuams and a roomful of happy, good lookiij ng kids!

Anonymous said...

Mas' Ran. Our good ol' Ranny Williams 💓

Anonymous said...

You was a good lookin' yute 😆 Lol

Anonymous said...

Who is the music man at piano?

Anonymous said...

The Great Vernon Derby..

Anonymous said...

Vernon you are a natural talent- from the first day on CAST CAMPUS in 1973 everyone could tell! I remember those times in the Cafeteria when you played the old piano and your many antics that made people laugh. Teddy Price was another one.....Kendel mackrel the taste of quality!
Oh that Jamaica could truly 'Laugh again' in a healthy way!

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