Tuesday 6 June 2023

First Female Head of the Jamaica Civil Service Association - Discrepancies in New Salaries!

Techa Clarke Griffith

Mrs. Techa Clarke Griffiths has made history by being the first woman to head the Jamaica Civil Service Association. I had a great conversation with her on Monday, June 5, 2023. on Riddim FM during my programme SpotOn.

It should be noted that she has expressed some of the same concerns about the new salaries to that expressed by the President of the Jamaica Teachers Association, Lasonja Harrison.



Anonymous said...

Ok great😁

Anonymous said...

Well it is very important that our leaders fix the problems that our society are going through and stop the sugar coating business. That is what is mashing up the country. The Brain Drain is killing the country slowly but surely. All because some of our leaders do not have any backbone. They mostly behave like Invertebrates. Am still trying to figure out 🤔 why Sir Vernon ?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your newly appointed position, hope you do a excellent job , your name is very unique ,Techa .

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