Saturday 22 July 2023

A Gathering of Crows

I've always found the topic of funerals to be a curious and intriguing one. The way people go to great lengths to hold on to their loved ones' bodies in morgues for weeks or even months, waiting for distant relatives to arrive from abroad, has puzzled me. Some of these relatives haven't seen or been in touch with the departed person for over three decades – they might not even know the person they've come to say farewell to, merely a friend of a friend.

I often wonder, why go through all this trouble?

Why spend thousands of dollars to travel to Jamaica just to bid farewell to someone you've lost touch with, or someone you were too engrossed in chasing wealth to remember? Why not make the time to visit them when they were alive or spend those last precious days or weeks with them before they departed this earth?

Recently, I came across a hilarious TikTok video that got me laughing uncontrollably. It was about a man who faked his death, and his relatives sent in thousands of dollars to bury him. Instead, he used the money to invest in a minibus for his business. It turned out that he had asked for their assistance before, to start a business, but everyone made excuses. Now that they believed he had passed away, they were suddenly so generous with their contributions for his funeral. How ironic is that?

This got me thinking even more about the importance of expressing our feelings and intentions to our loved ones while they're still with us. Whatever you have to say, say it during the living years. Once they're gone, they can't hear our words anymore.

So, let's cherish the time we have with our friends and family, showing love and appreciation while they're still here to receive it. Instead of dwelling on somber funerals, let's focus on creating wonderful memories and strengthening the bonds that make life so meaningful. That way, when we gather like crows, it'll be to celebrate life and the love we've shared, rather than to mourn what we missed saying in time.

Editor's Note:

The article was written by Ms. Lois Grant - JP, MA, BA.(Hons) Dip Mass Comm, Cert. Broadcast Journalism BBC-London.

Pictures painted by artist Raymond Jackson. Send a WhatsApp message to 876 816-5261 if you would like to purchase a painting done by the artist.


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Eggs for Sale

Stolen Camera

The picture shown below is that of a stolen camera. This camera is an expensive camera and the person who is now in possession of it will offer you a ridiculous price for the sale of this camera. A reward is being offered for its return. Do not purchase items like this from someone because you could find yourself being arrested for receiving a stolen item. Please send me a Whatsapp Message to 876 816-5261 if you see anyone with this camera offering it for sale.




Just sis G said...

O my goodness Mr Derby I said the same thing I even tell my son's if I died before then and if they see any one at my burial that they never heard I talk about them or if they check my phone and check they names and call them to find out When last they even talk to me .And they come at the burial tell them I said they should leave. And I don't they spend no whole heap of money on me when am dead .I want to Creamated.So it's true what is been Said.

CHAYIL said...

So true Mr D. I've often wondered where the money come from all of a sudden - wagga Wagga in death but it's not available in life.
Has me thinking, is this more pervasive in Jamaica?
Now I know there are some likky likky and ginnal minded people who love to beg for everything and turn off family overseas.
Kudos to those who remember families and assist.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when I see the funeral some of them give to the family member that died because they did not get the help they need I wonder the house is in a terrible condition hardly can find anything to eat,hardly could go doctor and when they died the amount of liquor food and chariot carry the body to church why scatter the roses after I am gone give them to me while I can enjoy them.thank God for my children.

Anonymous said...

Miss Grant I saw that video and I got a good laugh for days, and everytime I touch on this topic nowadays I use what I saw in the video as an example, serve them right 😂😂 I sorry I never thought of it , but then again I don't have that kind of devious mind. I don't believe this tradition is going anywhere anytime soon

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