Friday 25 August 2023

Breaking News - Armed Robbery in Mandeville

My On The Ground Reporters have reported that there was an armed robbery in Mandeville this afternoon. Click on the icon below to view the video.



Anonymous said...

Them brazen so👹

Anonymous said...

This is crazy

Anonymous said...

When will this end so crazy

CHAYIL said...

AGAIN!? 😲 When will enough be enough!! This is not buck up. Where is our investigative intelligence? God help us!

Anonymous said...

He will not get far, as long as a him a try clear the way, so him can get away. Them soon hold him. The authorities only want to see the footage. Why cant the the government comes up with plan like green house farming across the island 🏝️ and call them and give them work to do and if they do not want to do it. Then the government have all right to target their every move.

Anonymous said...

What is really happening to these people someone inside must set up that crime .But I hope the Police catch the cruck.

Anonymous said...

Eternal Father bless our land,
Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand,
Keep us free from evil powers,
Be our light through countless hours.
To our Leaders, Great Defender,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, Truth be ours forever.
This is actually a prayer, but we're not looking to God anymore, but seeking other gods.
Man cannot change what is happening in this country, only the Almighty God.

Micspen said...

An expression of the very vibrant growth of the illigitimate sector of the multibillion $ fast growing and lucrative Crime Industry.

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