Thursday 7 September 2023

The Senator Who I Taught but He Never Mentioned it!!!

Who is the politician???

I taught this politician at a new secondary school, and he then attended the extension school at a well-known high and did his CXC exams there. This politician has never publicly said that he went to that new secondary school. He never mentioned to me that I taught him. He talks about this prestigious high school that he went to. He was a member of the Senate.

Another past student of the school where I taught this politician, called me and said that your past student was a senator. I was so proud to know that a past student of mine was a Senator. I called the gentleman one day, only to be told that he did not stay for very long at the school where I taught him. His school colleague and another past student said to me that this well-known politician spent five years at the school that I taught and he left in grade eleven.

When I called the politician, he admitted that I taught him. I said to myself that this man has been talking to me all these years and he never once mentioned that I taught him.

The sad thing is he has been selected by a party to represent them in the next elections. I hope to God that taxpayers do not support him. If he wins then you know that we will have an elected official who cannot be trusted. If he wins his seat, this story could come up again. The people of Jamaica deserve better than this. I hope he sees this blog. 

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Click HERE to watch this very interesting discussion that I had with The Most Honourable Juliet Holness MP and Mr Fitz Jackson MP. The MPs come on at after about 1:06 hours in the video.

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Anonymous said...

I am confused at the article about the senator.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy .I guest you know what you are saying so I hope the people listing listening

Anonymous said...

He has buried that past because in his estimation a new secondary school did not carry the prestige of a traditonal high school. Though he never attended the traditional high school per se, he feels a sense of pride attending the extension school of that traditional high school. That's a dangerous politician in the making, he will rewrite his own history, that of events, and activities of this nation to reflect his perspectives. He is clearly not a man of truth, but isen't that one of the characteristic of a politician.

Anonymous said...

am totally confused, why would you come to a conclusion that this man cannot be trusted just because he failed to acknowledged that you taught him at a particular schooL..? why is that important? are you expecting everyone you taught to mention it ..? this is petty and unnecessary, look at the man’s performance that is what should be important not where he was educated and who his educators were. dam foolishness

Anonymous said...

A eediat palitishan dat so a guess him wuda seh him Neva go Primary school.
A who dat doh whomever dat is,him Nuh redi Fi dis iyah.

Anonymous said...

Vernon, yuh nuh easy sah. 😆

Anonymous said...

Vernon there are many persons like that who refuse to say they went to a non traditional high school after they go to do A LEVEL (CAPE) at a traditional high school. Eg. I graduated from Tivoli Gardens and then went KC for A level. I always share that I graduated from the former. One of my school mates grated from TG then went to CBrar for A levels. On FB page he writes that he went to CBAR, no mention of Tivoli. I block him m. In this great future you can't forget your past " Bob Marley.

Anonymous said...

Mr Derby know what he is talking about this man is a two face

Anonymous said...

Some people don't want anyone knowing they didn't when to the name brand traditional high school, but is foolishness, you should be glad to say that's where I went and look where I am, the school didn't define uou

Anonymous said...

You know the politician or you have heard about him?

Micspen said...

I have always had an impression of him being an egocentric opportunist who should not be trusted.
I hope uncle Sam put its foot down on this scammers diplomacy.
When will someone justify slavery, bank robberies or other egregious crimes.
Oh just forgot Crime is an industry responsible for earning in excess of $US 2billion.

What's his explanation, wonder if it includes abduction by "PRETTY GYAL" and how many.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Meadows is not a student you should be proud of.Be happy he has not mentioned it.Arent you ashamed of his hysterical outburst recently.Who knows maybe he is an undercover choppa.

Anonymous said...

Aaah, my exact thoughts. Mercy's seat we come when we have these kinds of people in representational politics. You know what, they are dangerous anywhere and everywhere.

Anonymous said...

The way this man talk you don't need to ask any questions if he is a chopper him show himself as one

Anonymous said...

What's the politician's name🤷🏾🤷‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Some of us forget where we are coming from

Anonymous said...

I agree

Anonymous said...

So true,

Anonymous said...

Is it important to make mention that you taught him ? I am sure there are many others who you have taught who would not think it matters to be mentioned, he is now an adult who is NOT criminal !! Why the need to continue to air this issue very petty KMDT

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