Tuesday 17 September 2024

What's Happening - September 17, 2024

Big or Little Thief is Still a Common Thief!

None of these people cleaning this bread truck of its load can call anybody corrupt. The Integrity Commission could investigate this matter and understand why the nation is like this. Are these the same people calling a former Minister of Education corrupt?

These people should be identified, charged and convicted for their crimes. They steal bread today and tomorrow they will steal the whole bread truck.

Criminals Start Developing From Early

Help us locate the school and the students so the police can deal with this matter. Any act of violence is violence which is a matter the police should deal with. Young criminals must be removed from the school system. The young boy being beaten up is probably scared to tell his parents.

If this young hoodlum is not taken up in hand, in a few years he will not be throwing deadly blows at a young student nor delivering some deadly kicks to the face and back. He will learn very early how to use a gun to make the job easier.

The Corporate World and Other Organizations Hug Up Questionable Characters 

When leaders in the private sector, the public sector, and political parties hug up questionable characters in the country, the State of Emergency will have to become a permanent feature of the island.

We live in a country where decent people are not recognized but foul mouth people on social media are featured in the media and embraced by political figures. Some get invited to parliament while others are featured on television during prime-time news.

I remember seeing one con man on television in a big discussion about national matters in his impeccable-looking and well-tailored suite. We all know him yet he was invited as a guest on National Television.

Jamaica is on Mount Everest feeling cool. We don't realize we are on a precipice looking down at a burning valley and unless remedial actions are taken now, we shall fall over into the firey furnace burning below.

Deaths on our Roads Continue

So we thought that speeding was the cause of deaths on our road so we came up with hefty fines. Dr Jones can you commission a study to find out if those fines are working. No need for the study my brother because I can tell you that it is not working.

I am tired of giving suggestions for dealing with the challenges on ou roads, which have never been tried. We continue to encourage drivers to pay up and collect more taxes while we have more deaths on our roads.

Schools Not Functioning at Optimum Levels

Something is very wrong with many schools. I wonder if the principals are in charge. Are the boards providing proper oversight or they are just there to profile?

How can we promote children from one class to the next when many are not competent at the level they are at currently?

Principals are more concerned about examinations rather than the system of education being used to educate and socialize our young people to become good citizens.

Poor Customer Service

The cry nationally is the level of poor customer service nationally. Our politicians and our public servants are getting more pay, but are they delivering more? God bless the few like NHF, RGD, CAC and a few others that continue to perform fairly well.

Talk to many government pensioners and they will tell you how difficult it is to get their pension. Ask why all our dollars continue to disappear into these seasonal potholes. They fix them today and as soon as there is a shower of rain they have to be fixed again.

I have been trying to get my car title from Scotia for about three years now and I cannot get it. I have never received any information about the little pension fund I have there. Calls are not returned. There is no way of tracking customer complaints in many organizations.

I could go on and on but I am tired and my eyes are closing. The people all seem to be tired and they cannot even fight for better.



Send your news and other information by WhatsApp to 876 816-5261. Sources will never be revealed. I am Vernon Derby and you can take my word for that.


It's Just a Click:


Anonymous said...

The young boy's behaviour towards another boy, seemingly younger boy, and the support her received from his peers tells us where we need to start the behaviour modification process. We need to note that the young girl who told them to leave him alone was told to shut up. This is a clear demonstration of learnt behaviour from home and community, which is transferred to school and lived experiences throughout life.

Anonymous said...

They need to put a stop to this right now before it get out of hand the boy punching and kicking the other one like a punching bag what is wrong with these children

Anonymous said...

The stolen items from the bread truck is always happening accross Jamaica, if u are a micro business man u really dont want to even have a puncture tyre in majority of Jamaca's community because this will be the result, i have felt, victim of simullar situation in the co- orperate area once, trust me its nothing good, this is so frequent its a shame,no- one checked if the occupants were ok but the looting is a must, u can hear people saying things about getting breads among other goods from the truck,its a shame.
The other vedio with the young boys this shows us what we have for the next 20 years to deal with,when they are thrown from school it will get worst, he will be our future corner boys extort n kill u for your own money.the government must take a serious look into this, Mins of National Security also take a good look because if this tree grows it will infest others with this fungus.tvete is alot more to say but i rest my 2 sense.

CHAYIL said...

My heart is hurting! I can't even comment.
Please tell me we know the school, identified the bullies and most importantly how is the little boy who was beaten by the potential buffing hoodlum?

Anonymous said...

Jamaica is in the state it is in because we seem to believe politicians alone are corrupt. We're in the state we're in cause we accept our own acts of corruption as OK. So, it's seen as quite OK to tief electricity and other people's land. We are in the state we're in cause we endorse characters like Vybz Kartel. We are in the state we're in cause we don't value good morals.

Anonymous said...

Solution for male bullies, one kick to their private parts. End of story

Anonymous said...

Common thieves. It's the mentality that supports the looting of goods from a company once it overturns.
In the event of something falling from an individual and you immediately take it up, call out to them and return the item or items. That's noble.
Would they remove goods from a truck on the roadside or in parking lot making deliveries? I doubt it.
So, only if it overturns, it's alright? The issue here is one of a lack of reasoning ability. I wonder what they tell their children....they were raining?

Anonymous said...

Those boys should be asked to apologize at their general devotion. Playing badmen at school.
Their parents should be called in where it should be made clear that the next time the students engage in such activities for the remainder of the academic year, they will need to consider moving them elsewhere.
At devotion they should be the centre of attention. When devotion nears its end, they should issue an apology facing their victim. After which everybody should be dismissed, they however, should be the last to leave.

Anonymous said...

I will keep saying it; the fines work. They work. The problem is with enforcement and the structure of the legislation.
Are there systems in place to track their tickets? How much can one accumulate in fines before further action is taken? See, the fines cannot be the problem. It's enforcement. But is what they are enforcing adequate? Those are the issues to ponder.

Just the mention of the fines has modified many a behaviour on the road. The sting of the law is in its punishment.

Anonymous said...

The entire school system needs a makeover.

It is so sad that the nation's citizens were not thought as children to be kind and courteous. Because that is why they have such poor customer service skills.

Companies with average and above customer service are so rare. One I could mention is GasPro in Clarendon. The service and after service were better than most companies. They apparently check in on customers periodically to ensure they are still blue.

Most companies don't care about customer satisfaction and customer retention. As if they can make it with only their employees and no customer.

It's time customers vote with their dollars. Unless they are NWC, JPS and their cousins, shop elsewhere. For the others, never fail to lodge complaints. Make your plight public. That's your power. They need you more than you need them.

Anonymous said...

Civics for young Jamaicans

Anonymous said...

LMA .Mr Derby, How many more children will have to die in our local schools for the authorities to understand that these violent producers Must be removed .How many more will have to suffer. How many more mother's will have to weep.You keep making such g reat suggestions for solving some of these problems but those in authority does not appear to be listening. May God be with you.

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