Sunday 1 June 2014

Expert Fired From UWI After Court Testimony

There is more to the termination of Prof. #Bain by the #UWI. With the action taken against Prof. Bain by the UWI, this could mean that another UWI #expertwitnessmight be reluctant to testify in a court of law in Jamaica. What does this mean for our #justice system?

If an expert witness is fired immediately after giving testimony prior to the judge handing down his decision (This happened in Prof. Bain case), what would happen if the judge decides to get further assistance from the expert witness who then decides not to co-oporate? Would this be a case of the employer perverting the course of justice?

What if another expert witness refuses to testify in #court because that witness feels that he/she can be fired by his/her employer? Where would we find expert witnesses after awhile?

What about those who encourage expert witnesses not to testify? Would this be regarded as interfering with the judicial system? This would be similar to putting pressure on a witness not to give testimony. This could be seen in the same light as those who pressure persons not to testify about crimminal acts that they have seen (part of the informer fi dead culture).

This is a serious matter and one which we need to talk about.

Gleaner Report:

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