Sunday 10 August 2014

Min. Peter Bunting - Time To Act

Image result for peter bunting picture
Min. Peter Bunting should step aside.

Too many Jamaicans have lost their lives at the hands of criminals and also at the hands of the security forces under questionable circumstances.

Persons Must Be Held Accountable
Persons at very high levels in the society must now be held accountable. The recent killing of a fellow Jamaican in police custody in Montego Bay is a serious matter. It is clear that the state cannot ensure the safety of those who are in its custody.

The time has come for a strong message to be sent to all that this must stop. I therefore call on the Minister of National Security and also the Acting Commissioner of Police to be relieved of their positions.

This will reinforce at the political level and the administrative arm of government that we will no longer tolerate this situation.

Nine Day Wonder Philosophy
If these persons are allowed to continue then the philosophy of the 'nine day wonder' and 'a nutten', will continue to be a part of our thinking. Those who are entrusted to public office will feel that anything can happen under their watch and their jobs will still be secure.

Jamaicans Must Speak With One Voice
The people of this country now need to speak with one voice and say we have had enough and those who are in charge must 'Pack their bags and go'!!!.

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