Sunday 23 November 2014

Michael Spence Speak Out

From Michael Spence

Car Insurance

According to a report in one of our newspapers 100000 0f 400000 vehicles on our roads have no insurance. This is no surprise as insurance companies banks and their connected companies along with government are milking and oppressing motorists from all angles. Oppressive, preferential and discriminatory import duties orchestrated and perpetuated by our own governments over several decades need to be eliminated and duties drastically reduced to average 20% so as to reduce the price, cost and replacement values of vehicles. In this instance it would be interesting to know if International Monetary Fund (IMF) would help us because we cannot depend on any government but if they are forced to do so they will gladly comply. This would have a positive impact on the motor vehicle trade globally which is the IMFs main concern. That would have a positive impact on the reduction of insurance rates thereby increasing compliance. Fines need also to be reduced and not be used as a form of backdoor taxation.  That 100000 uninsured vehicle figure is going to rise as the many insurance companies fight over the 300000 insured scarce benefits and spoils putting in more scams. For example why should the customer pay $2500 and more for an engineer’s report at an insurance connected business after the vehicle has been certified fit for the road by an examiner?. I wonder if we became a part of a larger fleet globally, insurance costs would go down. I already know the counter arguments of corruption, fraud,sovereignty etc. to justify the rapacious activities.22/11/14
" appealing to motorists not to entertain persons on the road offering parking at a cost, but to instead call the Kingston Central Police Station" says Supt Michael Scott,does.this make sense? You need to park and not call police station they must get their act together.

A police  post inside the St William Grant Park good move back up is closer.
Having policemen and women operating covertly in the streets of downtown Kingston another good move but this should be an ongoing method all over the country.
Policing should however go on in these areas beyond 4:30pm as early as 5:00am before and not after criminals come out to take over these areas either before or after the groups of sightseeing police have left. Princess Street All The Way down To Tower Street should have special attention as this is where most business people traverse large and small buy to go sell back.
Last week Friday about after 4pm my van was broken into and earlier a shop was robbed on Princess St.

The police should add to their arsenal shopping police i.e. police who go shopping all the time you see and hear a lot.

The criminals operate much like the police lets say one guy he spots out potential victims then call for the necessary reinforcements to carry out the job effectively many times on bicycles "well strapped" the term for being armed with a gun. If you catch a bwoy a pree you and then go pon him phone put yourself good watch it or tek weh uself.

The thieves have the area under control in many respects and if you know them and lean on them heavily they will back off a little. It just a tough place to police with so many home grown and resident thieves on the prowl.22/11/14

What is Joke...

What!Minister turn beggar a so things bad, what a transition serious times and sorry say he "demonstrated lamentable insensitivity and his "flexi rape" comment was "a little joke”. Him nuh remember that "what is joke fi you is death to mi" Try remember that always.22/11/14

Banning Bulb

The government says Julian Robinson the Junior Energy Minister  is" considering banning the use of incandescent bulbs along with increasing fines for electricity theft “Just stopping incandescent bulbs from being imported could be done after reasonable priced alternatives can be accessed by the population. The average price of an incandescent bulb is $40Ja and the price of the cheapest LED is about $400 all the way up to in excess of a thousand, fluorescent bulbs are a little cheaper. Bureau of Standards and the Scientific Research Council along with the Consumers organization on the education side need to get on board immediately because some bulbs they say to serve years lasts minutes and standards must be developed maintained and rigorously enforced.22/11/14

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