Sunday 11 January 2015


The Most Hon. Edward Seaga
Mr Seaga is the great conceptualizer because I knew of clearing Princess Street of shacked stalls also Constant Spring road,H.E.A.R.T, the Jamaica Festival Commission, Things Jamaica, The100 villages programme, Digi-Port Montego Bay, JAMPRO, Jamaica Unit Trust, Student’s Loan Fund, the Export-Import/EX-IM Bank, the Jamaica Stock Exchange, the Jamaica Development Bank, and the Agricultural Credit Bank. The National Development Bank, the decimalization of the currency, Metropolitan Parks and Markets, the national school feeding programme, the Self Start Fund, Solidarity, the Food Stamp Programme, Programme for the Advancement of Early Childhood Education (PACE), the Golden Age Movement, the Media Divestment Programme and the return of the remains of national hero Marcus Garvey to Jamaica for interment.

Mr. Seaga was also responsible for the development of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC)  and now National Prayer Breakfast which I was not aware of. Dr. Peter Phillips said said some time ago viewed from the “purely quantitative perspective (Mr. Seaga’s) contribution has been phenomenal.”

“Whether you were for him or against 09/01/15


Notice of a no-confidence motion was served on Port Antonio Mayor Benny White during the monthly sitting of the Portland Parish Council yesterday.Last year a local newspaper published reported that a shirtless DUPPY alledgedly drove away 2014 Toyota Prado belonging to Mayor of Port Antonio, Benny White, from its designated parking area at the Portland Parish Council building? an alleged warner woman (a woman with a self-proclaimed spiritual gift) visited the council, sprinkling oil and holy water on the mayor's vehicle, while warning about judgment. Will this duppy or warner woman help him or was actually trying to drive him out of the position so is the duppy back?.Lets see who the duppy working for and maybe who set,incompetent contractors ,garbage,broken pipes,the MP and duppy pon Mayor White and Port Antonio. "WANTED! COMPETENT DUPPIES IN PORT ANTONIO"09/01/15

Peter Tosh

I always remember Peter Tosh song "sorry fi mawga(meagre) dawg(dog) mawga dawg tun(turn) roun(around) bite you" The irony of it is that is a mawga dawg kill Peter. Do not be sorry for them see it again mawga dawg kill 79 year old Hyacinth Hayden in Trelawny and she help them giving one of them even phone and money to buy the chip. I could tell from day one is someone she knew and helped kill her it is sad but happens over and over in this country don't forget "badmind" .08/01/15

Director of Elections

Excellent Director of Elections Orrette Fisher and lion of a job from the mans and mans and ladies at the office.08/01/15

Police Walk Out of Parish Council Meeting 

Several members of the St Thomas police division walked out of a parish council meeting in the parish today. The accusation follows an incident yesterday when a PNP councilor was arrested and subsequently released by the St Thomas police.  Tell me something these St Thomas councilors believe that they are  above the law ?.Acting Commander for the St Thomas police, Deputy Superintendent Charmaine Shand should stand her ground just keep on doing her work scientifically and without fear or favour so that when anyone is arrested charges stick like crazy glue all the way to prison.08/01/15


Canada has approximately 35 million people there and is larger than America by about 2 or 3 Jamaica's size. The USA has in it approximately 315 million people so in fact when you look at it is like Canada is an empty country and would have serious economic problems  down the road with a population problem in reverse. Canada is being proactive and nice to itself by draining as many able-bodied skilled persons from third countries to bolster its economy. What would happen to Jamaica if all the skilled persons migrate to Canada which has the space to take all of us if needed and does the Government have a plan to deal with a shortage of skilled and educated workforce, are we thinking or just talking? Thieves, vagabonds, scoundrels, babies, lazy people, police, politicians and an ageing population cannot build nor sustain an economy. This country when you put all the opportunities together needs a coherent rescue plan, we should take a leaf out of Canada's book, work with poor people's pragmatism and learn from successful people's actions.08/01/15


What's the point of contention?"Nestle has made the positions of about 30 workers redundant following its decision to cease local production of the popular drink, Milo. It could no longer absorb high maintenance and production costs." The Union is wasting time why not discus along the lines of seeing if Nestle can work with the workers willing to give up something to save the production line, what could the Government do in terms of waiving taxes as they did for Denoes and Geddes to save the investment and jobs in the country. These Union leaders need to get off the Television and be more constructive by coming up with an alternative to what Nestle is proposing. Many of the Union leadership need to understand that global capitalism reigns supreme and they have to get on board associalism is dead even in china and Russia while the Cubans will not admit it.07/01/15

HIGHLY skilled and qualified Jamaicans are being urged to take advantage of Canada's new Express Entry immigration management system which was launched at the start of the year and aims to attract 181,000 new economic immigrants.

Canada has approximately 35 million people there and is larger than America by about 2 or 3 Jamaica's size. The USA has in it approximately 315 million people so in fact when you look at it is like Canada is an empty country and would have serious economic problems  down the road with a population problem in reverse. Canada is being proactive and nice to itself by draining as many able-bodied skilled persons from third countries to bolster its economy. What would happen to Jamaica if all the skilled persons migrate to Canada which has the space to take all of us if needed and does the Government have a plan to deal with a shortage of skilled and educated workforce, are we thinking or just talking? Thieves, vagabonds, scoundrels, babies, lazy people, police,politicians and an ageing population cannot build nor sustain an economy. This country when you put all the opportunities together needs a coherent rescue plan, we should take a leaf out of Canada's book, work with poor people's pragmatism and learn from successful people's actions.07/01/15

 Police Commissioner

Is the commissioner aware that a lot of missing persons have most likely been murdered and disposed of discreetly as is a common practice among gangs and others? Do you recall the case of a convicted police constable in the murder and disposal at sea of the body of a teenage girl from Harbour View or bodies dumped in sink holes around the country or burned with garbage at our dumps. You remember "Lizard" was he cut up fine fine?. These practices are age old and I have no reason to believe have been discontinued. Commissioner should go for integrated and deep intelligence moles around the country will enhance rates of criminals being caught that makes them fret night and day and Jamaica no more a "criminals Paradise".07/01/15


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