Monday 30 March 2015

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence

Ammunition Find

Vernon during a search of a vehicle in your parish Trelawny, a total of 11 firearms and 330 rounds of assorted ammunition were found hidden inside a barrel.
They include:
  • One 40 mm Grenade racket launcher
  • Three rifles, including a M-16, AK-47 and a sniper rifle
  • Three handguns, including two 9mm and a .45 pistol
  • Two sub machine guns, including a Uzi and an Intratech
  • Two shotguns.

It is good to find some guns but the scenario could be more serious than we imagine. Is this the tip of the iceberg, could this be a part of a larger sinister picture? If this was not a controlled shipment there needs to be international assistance to unearth all the connections and intentions. How did they come in, in parts or as whole units, who bought them, who sent them, who received them? In light of allegations that Jamaicans are joining (IS) Islamist movement (IS).A lot of questions need to be answered especially a rocket launcher for what purpose? 30/03/15

  Need For A Seed Bank

One of the most important elements of food security is having a "seed bank" with all of our indigenous seeds and planting material as a strategy to deal with any international food crisis. Do we have a seed bank and is it up to date as many of our indigenous seeds are on the verge of being extinct by default because of the influx of genetically modified seeds. 30/03/15

 Chinese Take Over Of Norman Manley International Airport?

Will the Chinese take on the Norman Manley International Airport (NMIA) in Kingston to operate, finance, develop, and maintain it under a long-term concession agreement on our Government’s invitation.This prospect could include a build out of the highway to the North   and South coast’s straight from the airport. This could enhance the fast forwarding of the number of Chinese tourists to the Island would be an exciting economic prospect. 30/03/15

JUTC or Riverton City Dump Smoke? 

In all of these appropriate discussions on Riverton smoke when will the JUTC busses stop emitting toxic fumes into the atmosphere? While the Riverton smoke has died down the JUTC smoke continues and no problem, is hypocrisy. Fumes from diesel fuelled vehicles are probably more toxic or equal to the toxicity of Riverton dump smoke. Selective policing  on our roads that seem to exclude JUTC smoking busses must end now 30/03/15

 Court Case 

Good ruling in a kind of David (Paymaster) and Goliath (Grace Kennedy Remittances Services) case happy for it I hope that the Privy Council upholds the ruling as long as the points of law fit up properly. Can the judgment be accessed over the internet so we could be enlightened by reading the basis for this judgment having been aware of the previous Judgment in a lower court that Gave GKRS rights to the software created under the jurisdiction of Paymaster and an employee. The Ruling by the Privy Council will be a landmark ruling and important precedence going forward.30/03/15
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