Monday 13 April 2015

FI WI CONCERNS - Michael Spence

Prescription Drugs Racket 

There are rackets being unearthed having to do with prescription drugs. This is no different from you know "left or Write" where persons make a rational choices however unethical and immoral it is.$9000 prescription down to 6000 saving $3000 or a $10000 ticket down to $4000.With a minimum wage for 40 hour work week $5600 the situation gets even more serious with the high level of unemployment with most  people able to do basic eat a food maths. The main thing at play here in addition is the basic economics of poverty and deprivation helping to drive these types of bandoolism/corruption. Are we sure of exactly  what is going on? that needs to straighten out before it can be tackled meaningfully. For example some months ago a premises in a rural parish was raided and millions of dollars of uncustomed prescription drugs seized. The Pharmacy Council of Jamaica, Radcliffe Goulbourne, said "its members sometimes come across questionable prescriptions, and red flags are raised " Then what do i ask, will there be an introduction of tamper proof prescription blanks for all doctors to buy you know 12/04/15


Barak Obama is and will be the one only Irie President in America's history as he is said to be a lover and sings his songs.All people want basic freedom and basic dignityBarak Obama 12/04/15

Even Babies Being Killed 

Down town Kingston in the vicinity of Chancery Lane an 11 month old baby shot dead allegedly by a gunmans bullet while being bathed by the mother. The truth is, some of these same victims unwillingly also by default accommodate and "big up" the same gunmen because there are rivals some live in your yard what do you do .Your only option is to leave the area and go where? To places where the rent is high, have to pay light and water rates pay transportation to come do your hustling. There are deep socioeconomic problems around and in the city that needs to be attacked in a holistic way. What you see there is a symptom of the poverty and deprivation that exists. President Obama promises US70million dollars for youth development in the CAIICOM and Latin American region I hope some of these resources will translate into the rejuvenation of many or any of these inner city areas to assist youths to keep their eyes on a worthwhile prize that could give them hope. It is the age group under thirty five that has to be depended on to carry on the after the present leadership has left the stage .It means therefore that a rescue plan has got to be focused on that makes the ministries of education and youth development of paramount importance. This needs leadership and honest transparent   governance in the meantime our condolences to the mother having such a unwelcomed, heart rending experience. This area of downtown is a time bomb that erupting. Gang feuds put peoples 'lives are in danger from thieves, police and gang warriors. There needs to be some deep socioeconomic intervention. On the 4th of March in that general area vehicles shot up, 7civilians and one police shot while police pursued a gang warrior who escaped unscathed. Since that many other gang warriors have been shot and killed also wounded. Are the authorities waiting on a major catastrophe .12/04/15

Professor of Patois

If a certain professor is pushing for patois to be the only language of instruction with that I would have a problem because of the lack of universality. I am saying Teach English like Spanish, like French, like Mandarin and Jamaican/Patois like any other language no problem. Try to master as many universal languages as you can accommodate. 08/04/15

 Trade WIth US

I think that non-reciprocal free-trade agreements with the United States would be good but I do not see much hope of that happening in 2015.How do you reconcile the importation of American goods it the usual high duty rates, getting aid from the US and buying most vehicles, machinery and other things from Japan, China and other places. The private sector that is the engine of growth in America would want to insist on reciprocal agreements as they to want to sell their goods. . 08/04/15

 The Truth

Do you recall the poisoning of Superintendent Dayton Henry then stationed in Clarendon and later on in the same parish the discovery of a certain squad and subsequent arrest. In Henry’s case they tried to pass off his death as from natural causes but family insisted that no such thing hence an investigation, so far no one has been arrested. The family of Kemar Beckford should insist on a thorough investigation and get an independent one if they can afford it. I would do that for my son and whatever the outcome I would accept and if necessary I would apologize to Jamaica and the JCF .We need to know the unadulterated truth. 08/04/15


The criminals nowadays do research put infrastructure in place and then carry out their jobs, it is a business that's why they have "Criminal Executive Operators" CEO's in the form of Dons some even run their organizations from overseas with efficient brutality. Our security forces have to be on the ball.08/04/15

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