Saturday 18 April 2015

Have We Gone Too High On Ganja?

Have We Gone Too High

So Jamaica is on a HIGH. Man and man feel dem free fi get high pan di weed. Man and man and woman and woman free fi hol' a splif. That is not really the case because while the Amendment to the Drug Enforcement Act allows persons to grow and to use ganja in specific circumstances it is not saying that we can grow and use ganja as we like.

Many Questions

Actually, probably the changes will make us feel that we can smoke ganga as we like. For example they talk about being ticketed if you are caught with more than two onces of ganja. I didn't even know that at the official level we still talk about ounces. There are many questions which need to be answered:

  • How are the police going to know the weight of the ganja that a person is carrying? 
  • Will the police be given little scales to weigh the ganja? 
  • Will they have portable laborataries so that they can test the vegetable matter in order to ascertain whether or not the vegetable looking matter is ganja?
  • How will the police verify the name given by citizens when we do not have a system for National Identification?
  • If the fine for a ticket is JAD500, will that cover the cost of the ticket, receipt for payment and all administrative work that is involved in processing this ticket? 

Traffic Ticketing System Now Ganja Tickets

We have not been able to manage the traffic ticket system. I understand there are thousands of outstanding traffic tickets. We have had accidents and the drivers involved in these accidents have hundreds of outstanding traffic tickets. Are we going to add the traffic ticket problems to the ganja tickets.

Police To Use Discretion!

I wonder if we were too HIGH when we came up with these amendments? I heard an official stating that the police will have to use their discretion!!! Police officers using their discretion? I hope this will not encourage the 'Eat a food mentalilty' so the question will be 'Left or Write'.

Time Will Tell

Only time will tell if I am Right or if I am Wrong. We make laws and then we try to work it out so we will have to make an amendment to the amendment.

Yu Want Yu Green Card?

Those who intend to migrate to the US and other countries  and who believe that they are free to smoke the weed could end up being free to stay in Jamaica and not free to migrate!!! What a Life...What a country!


  1. The ammendments are good. Maybe implemented too early. But let's not forget the intention of the ammendment with thousands of little black boys whose lives will be free from a criminal record. It also prevents the abuse of the law where many were arrested not so much for the spliff but because a Police was personally offended.

    1. Definitely true that the amendments are good but making these amendments work is another matter!


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