Tuesday 5 May 2015

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

What's Happening In Our Schools?

Minister of Education in Jamaica, Ronald Thwaiths
Denbigh High school seemed to be one of the bright lights in Clarendon with a competent and dynamic female principal Mrs. Troupe at the helm. There seem always when you have a good thing going there are a few students bent on destroying it. Male Students stoned another on the compound on the 4th of May 2015, causing damage to his head necessitating several stitches. That matter has been reported to the police but it is not yet known if an arrest has been made and the school and wider community must be kept informed. Schools must be purged of all known scoundrels, punished and be separated from the school and free society to protect the citizens of both.05/05/15

Pope Francis

 Atheist and Catholics!!!

Raul Castro
The Vatican says Cuban President Raul Castro will visit Pope Francis this Sunday at the Vatican. Well. Well. these Marxian atheists are not only converting and courting capitalism but  seem to be looking for Christ also. Will we soon hear that Fidel and Raul Castro is about to be baptized and speaking in tongues or are these moves just raw economic pragmatism? Good move anyway a country has to do what they have to do to survive in this harsh economic world and this is where good leadership counts.05/05/15

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