Wednesday 5 August 2015

FI WI CONCERN 20150804 - By Michael Spence


When did the Jamaica people in the majority get independence (1962)? Dancing, gyrating and merrymaking are not independence. We need to work harder and faster to secure real independence. More than half of the population is denoted squatters what kind of independence is that? Look how long Emancipation from slavery (1838) was secured and now in 2015 we seem to be right there again and the trouble is that we cannot escape and become independent if we don't all unite and realize what is happening. When last you talk to Marcus Garvey or hear him speak? Verene Sheppard talk to mi nuh…. the people need leadership and enlightenment to improve the understanding of ourselves and stop exhibiting self-hate. Just look at the heinous crimes against one another. When will we stop?04/08/15

MP Crawford

Crawford however misguided on many fronts has points of view which are held by many and  that needs clarification. The arrest of more bad cops is not the only effect of the Independent Commission of Investigation (INDECOM) but the prevention of bad cop behavior. It’s like asking how many accidents have stop lights prevented. You cannot see the accidents prevented but you can calculate based on prior knowledge of accidents in that spot and the reduction presently over the same period. Has Mr Crawford looked at the reduction in police killings since the establishment of INDECOM. For him to say “either there are only a few bad cops in Jamaica or INDECOM is incompetent, adding that performance is being sacrificed for public relations” borders on intellectual dishonesty? INDECOM has claimed a major role for the approximately 50 percent reductions in police-related killings in 2014 when compared to 2013.  08/03/15

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