Thursday 10 September 2015

FI WI CONCERNS 20150910 - Michael Smith

That Chinese Statement A Racist One?

During a forum, Gloria Henry president of the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry expressed unhappiness with the lack of participation by the Chinese (the new arrivals to Jamaica) business community, which has not been contributing to the building of the social fabric of Montego Bay, warned that unless they change their attitude, they could be censured through the boycotting of their businesses. Ms Henry must understand the reality that while contributing to the social fabric while desirable, this is capitalism people pay their fare share of taxes or fees and the state agencies responsible are really the ones to be named and shamed. Another thing is that most of these new Chinese speak mandarin, Cantonese or even Hakka and one could ask the question who from the (MBCCI)  is communicating efficiently with these new Chinese since most of the older Jamaican born Chinese cannot speak the more modern languages like Mandarin. Nimen hao ma?10/09/15

Roaring River Attraction

The news is reporting that Roaring River attraction in Westmoreland which has been closed for more than five years is to reopen within the next two months, following a $12-million refurbishing exercise.What about Roaring River in St Ann a lush property with hundreds of acres, a rich history, buildings and other infrastructure should also be refurbished and developed as a tourist attraction. The buildings must not left in ruin and property left in ruinette or affected by China Harbour highway operations. The Heritage trust and our historians, MPs Shahine Robinson and Lisa Hanna need to move fast working with while urging UDC,the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF)Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo), to come on board to save this piece of our history in St Ann while boosting employment and foreign exchange earnings. A rescue mission for Roaring River in St Ann is necessary. 10/09/15

Michael Spence 

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