Sunday 13 September 2015

FI WI CONCERNS 20150913 Michael Spence

In piloting a Bill, Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, Anthony Hylton interestingly a big talker, said the legislation was being amended to regulate the use of weighing and measuring equipment wanting to protect consumers from unscrupulous providers of goods and commodities. 

Who is going to arrest a woman with her pound scale although the law says is metric only? I understand and buy in pounds more than metric, the great USA our biggest trading partner still uses imperial measures, quart, pounds and ounces. All I see is "good move" to another round of chatter. As to gas station some of them have "cheap gas" which may be more expensive than the more expensive gas. There is mechanism already in place with the Bureau of Standards to check and certify the pumps' calibration. There is however always an acceptable margin of error + or - that you can work within to make extra money with "cheap gas". You all know there are tricks to every trade so there needs to be more vigilant policing of the regulations not necessarily more laws and amendment to laws.09/09/15

Michael Spence

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