Sunday 11 October 2015

FI WI CONCERNS 20151011 - Michael Spence

Appointment of Head Girl

I cannot believe my eyes and ears that The Suffragan Bishop of Kingston, The Right Reverend Dr Robert Thompson, has indicated that he fully supports the decision of the St Hilda's High School in St Ann, to relieve Jade Bascoe of the post of head girl. What unscientific foolishness is he supporting in 21st century Jamaica where the child was only "she was believed to be a member of the Jehovah's Witness faith?”This is Jamaica and let us see if the Minister of Education is going to demand that the child be reinstated and the chairman and principal of the board be dismissed immediately like he did to chairman of the Prickley Pole All Age school in St Ann. 09/10/15

Jamaica Free To Import Ganja?

Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) has sought permission from the Government to import some 100 ganja seeds for a pilot project. With this whole heap of regulation we soon start importing ganja for wholesale and retail so see we starting with seeds. Ganja business mash up as we knew it the big capitalists worldwide soon take over from the original Jamaican ganja man who now need expensive licence to grow the herb, sell and transport it. Right now I need some seeds to start my backyard legally limited herb plantation.09/10/15

Trick Dem!

Damion Crawford has been a tricky disaster for a politician and would be quite suited for Jamlywood. Living on theory that was self made and application sociologically  inaccurate for ensuring his opportunity to help organize the people to be governed. He must have ignored the fact of Maslow's hierarchy of needs food, clothing and shelter. Those have to be addressed first or have a skillfully practical balancing act. You cannot afford to "diss" disrespect a good comrade as "ply board comrade” who needs that and some zinc sheets to keep off the elements, those needs are basic for survival. While growing up I have heard persons saying "education cyan nyam" while refusing to spend money to send children to high school.An education push in a constituency is good but basic things like food, clothing, money and shelter for sustenance of life is better even Jesus according to the bible fed the multitude before preaching to them. 04/10/2015

Extortionists Provide Security?

From behind the prison walls, two notorious gang leaders continue to extort business operators in Spanish Town, St Catherine the Gleaner newspaper publishes. This is not new and has become embedded in the economy and social life of the country where ganja and other farmers, higglers, contractors, taxi and bus operators are being extorted this is a multibillion dollar business so it would not be surprising to find members of the established security organizations and other professions on the take. It creates employment for hundreds of youths if not thousands indirectly and directly together and income for several businesses legitimate and illegitimate. I knew of a normal youth wanting to better his life not from any inner city, know him from baby who went to high school and on graduation WAS EMPLOYED BY ONE OF THOSE GANGS AS AN ENFORCER IN A BUS PARK AND later on to bigger things manages to stay alive to this day after several brushes with jail but never prison. More prison subsidized by Britain is no solution but must focus on the conditions that breed criminal actors and supporters. I have also heard of businessmen who work with extortion as it is cheaper than established security firms and is seen as a business expense paid by the customers. This is not just a simple crime problem it is a deeper sociological and economic problem that cannot be arrested away or shot out of existence. Where did this all begin and when/where will it end? 04/10/2015

How About Prison Tourism

How has no one looked at the opportunity side by having a prison tourism product after all we have become a criminals' paradise. Prison tourism invite countries to house their prisoners for a fee single rooms, double rooms, dormitory style etc1,2,3,4, and five star rooms. Name the chain "Rascals " or“Di Cameron”as a matter of fact crime is big business and a constant supply of criminals will always be available to keep the business viable.02/10/15

Michael Spence

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