Wednesday 2 December 2015

Fi Mi Concerns - Michael Spence

Youth Vote

The Electoral Commission of Jamaica (ECJ) says youth aged 18 to 24 years old accounted for 72 per cent of new electors added to the November 30 voters’ list.This is cause for worry among the political leaders because of the unpredictability of today's modern digitally inclined and worldly youth and for them it cannot be business as usual.02/12/15

Clansman Gang

According to news releases the police must be congratulated for having arrested and charged less than a dozen members of the Clansman gang. This large organization so if a handful of players go on temporary jail leave there is little disruption in their wide and varied activities. Police intelligence has to go harder and wider to make an impact 28/11/15

Engagement of Suspects

 A vendor 48 year old Osbourne Grant of a St Thomas address who was shot dead in downtown Kingston in the vicinity of Orange Street and Chancery lane has been identified. “A police kill the man, the plainclothes police a run down a man who rob a chain, during the chase the police opened fire and the vendor gets shot,"said an eyewitness. Too much of this is happening in crowded downtown Kingston shopping areas as I myself had a close shave earlier this year. The rules of engagement by members of the security forces must be revisited, revised and enforced. Condolences to Mr. Grant’s family, friends and   co- workers. Downtown admittedly is a tough place to police because criminals coming to work out number the police at work and without good intelligence using more brains and fewer bullets they are like sightseeing crime tourists. 28/11/15

They waited long enough many have resigned, died and more will resign or leave the job before it leaves them. For many separations will be a blessing in disguise to do something more lucrative and beneficial to them and Jamaica.27/11/15

Audit Parish Councils 

All parish councils must be audited and not go singling out rural people to persecute with prosecution. Fine should be up to 3million for such breaches. This 1000 dollar fine is a waste of prosecution time and taxpayers money.27/11/15

 Purchase of C & W Communications Plc

Liberty Global Plc has agreed to buy Cable & Wireless Communications Plc for £3.5 billion (US$5.3 billion) this company has investments in Europe and deep into Latin America This sounds good for customers being a part of a larger pool of customers should have benefits for the customers in lower prices because in terms of economies of scale in a market for this obviously cash rich company Jamaica is a financial speck.17/11/15

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