Wednesday 27 January 2016



Supreme Ventures Limited ’s made a change to the Lotto game matrix in November 2015. Players now select (6) six numbers, between one (1) and thirty-eight (38) it used to be 1-36 for a jackpot hit>According to SVL this increases their chances to win millions. I do not believe it and a mathematician or statistician would need to convince me of this fact if it is so. If you increase the range of numbers it increases the individuals probability of not winning and SVL along with the government via taxes the probability of increasing their returns.25/01/16


The police cannot stop murder in St James and other places but think they will be more successful at stopping sex. Register these women work with them so they can ply there trade decently, healthy and in a safe environment. They too contribute to the paying of the IMF bill through the GCT that they pay on everything from food to condoms. These poor women who are prostitutes should be protected by the police just like the ones driving their SUVs, living in upscale communities and operate from corporate and other offices. The women are arrested so where are their clients?They should also be arrested as a matter of fact these women cannot be convicted of prostitution without a proven client so why the discrimination “The majority of them came from as far as Kingston, Portland and St Ann. They don’t live anywhere here; they are just plying their illicit trade here and we are not going to allow it to happen,” SSP McGregor said so what, they are Jamaicans. Are the police therefore just harassing poor women, getting some seXrated publicity or just plain wasting of time.23/01/16?

Clinton and Polls

The poll found that 62 percent of voters think Clinton is not honest and trustworthy, while 55 percent have the same opinion about Trump.
Fox News also surveyed voters about hypothetical head-to-head match-ups between the two parties and found that Trump defeats Clinton by three points, 47 to 44 percent.
Based on this it would seem that Trump will be the next US president.15/01/16
Democracy spoke when 339 ‘yes’ votes of the 467 delegates went to Redman .Raymond Pryce withdrew from the selection and thereafter should have walked away promptly and indicate working for and with PNP/Redman thank the people and Jamaica then say "I am Raymond Pryce, a Jamaican First, a nationalist, a patriot a PNP ,I am here for the people of Jamaica and I am here ,will be here to serve the people and let us say, in a sense i shall return to and where the call of duty demands" .He should have taken the high ground from day on and by doing that all this roadblock democracy could have been averted. No one should beat upon Pryce who as an exuberant action youth will make missteps in his lifetime and grow past them.13/01/16

Are Some professional “Good Good”  women/men engaged  in prostitution?

 Which politician or Government will be brave enough to push for the legalization/decriminalization of prostitution sometimes referred to as the oldest profession in Jamaica and allowing for the quality of poorer women's lives to be much improved? While we focus on the poorer women soliciting their craft on back road in Portmore or those on Ripon Road and in and around new Kingston and elsewhere in Jamaica. There are also many  corporate persons, who practice vagipenile politics and economics to get ahead while publicly denouncing the little man/woman and woman who does not have the facility,finesse nor the financial wherewith all to acquire upscale apartments or drive the latest SUVs. There are now more and more “good good” professional women/men entering the trade through the backdoor employing new sciences of Manology and prostitutology. Some have made a success others have died or become ill spreading upscale diseases to their original partners and unsuspecting associates all in the name of acquiring a bigger house, apartment, the latest SUVs, getting " help" with the bills and even foreign travel.

I urge the Government and people of Jamaica to take an enlightened and practical view to decriminalize prostitution(18 and over) as ganja now is, and cease to have laws  like those against “Badwud” that continue to unfairly oppress 'prosecute and persecute the poorest and least fortunate among us.

Prostitution if organized properly could make Jamaica a safer, more prosperous and healthier place. This country is overrun by female attorneys some of whom should be the leading advocates on behalf of less fortunate women demanding that prostitution be decriminalized and become a recognized profession by the Ministries of trade, Industry, health and Tourism.
Although considered despicable and ungodly in some quarters, moves should be made via decriminalization to have proper registration of prostitutes, the licensing of brothels, the appropriate taxation measures, facilitate their ability to form or join unions, and be in possession of relevant health/fitness certificates. At the same time prohibit minors, the enslavement of women for the purposes of sex, outlaw pimping and trafficking of women. The less fortunate women plying their trade in the streets of Kingston, Back Road in Portmore, Montego Bay, Negril or Port Antonio can do so with pride and confidence of being safe.

Spin offs would include a better life for prostitutes and their children, a reduction of rapes, prostate and other cancers, carnal abuse, incest and a reduction of the spread of STDs among them and their clients and the society at large. We should legalize the oldest profession and stop playing hypocrites so in the same way a man could choose a teacher or an attorney for a girlfriend or wife he could proudly choose a professional prostitute well put together in a business suit driving the latest model car or SUV. When I look at recent incidents involving the police rounding up prostitutes along Back Road, Ripon Road ,in Ocho Rios and Montego Bay it is time for prostitution to become a recognized profession, legalized and at worst decriminalized.26/01/16

Michael Spence

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