Sunday 24 January 2016


The first coming of CHIKV was devastating for me and my four elderly friends who suffered severely, and not in silence, for more than a year. Our non=copyright concoction of guinea-hen-weed, cheyney root, grated avocado seed, aralia stalk, circe, the exact 2 ounces of the wisdom leaves, (approved by law), a pinch of salt, ginger to taste  and  'tups' of white rum, left entirely to judgement.  We all got better but for the heavy-set one; a former grand-slam tennis player  who now walks with a cane on what looks like man-made ankles.

Mr, Editor, the same day the new, enthusiastic Minister of Health alerted us and ODPEM of the coming of ZIKV, the warner woman I told you about, reappeared on our avenue bearing bigger placards. Her signs used to say'The End Is Near' but now she has changed her tune and they say: 'The End Is Here' and even though we're retired professionals; 'been there; done that' with expertise to boast, we are deeply concerned about this 2nd coming of what appears to be a terrorist mosquito-controlled disease called ZIKV.  

Only yesterday, early morning, we passed 2 gullies and saw black helicopters landing with the night's body waste. Garbage and filth floated in  them for the informal settlers on the banks still have no sanitary conveniences and seem not to be paying heed to the warnings regarding the second coming of a dread ZIKV.  3 0f us plan to leave and live with children abroad, but 2 of us are last-in-line survivors about to enter the 'twice a child' stage. If this ZIKV attacks and shrink the heads and brain of children what will it do to us, the elderly, who are already beseiged by senile symptoms. 

Mr. Editor, I hope our top ramp designers will outfit us in specially created mosquito jump-suits, reasonably priced, and in case our tried concoction does not work in the  face of ZIKV. I wish to say thank you for tolerating me and goodbye. It was nice knowing you.

Yours truly,

Mills Blake

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