Thursday 18 February 2016

Elections By Carlton A.Gordon

There is a way for patriotic Jamaicans who are genuinely uncertain how to 'vote in the up-coming national elections, to distinguish between the governing Peoples National Party (PNP) and the Opposition Jamaica Labour Party (JLP),and thus be better able to choose. -- if they are serious about "being a part of the solution".

That way is simply to carefully study, and  note the abundant available evidence.of the primary economic, philosophical,political,social and spiritual "mindset" of each party and its leaders, whether in or out of government.

Regardless of how blurred the lines may have been in the past, distinct differences between the "mindset" of both major political parties have become increasingly evident, in recent times.

Pay close attention to the body language and the words of the Prime Minister,Mrs Portia Simpson Miller and the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Andrew Holness, to Finance Minister, Dr Peter Phillips versus former JLP Finance Minister and current spokesman on Finance, Mr Audley Shaw Then remember that "out of the abundance of the heart "("Mindset") the mouth speaks".

Compare the pronouncements of various spokesmen for the PNP,like Messrs Delano Franklyn,Damion Crawford, Mickail Phillips,et al, and for the JLP, like Delano Seivwright,Dr Christopher  Tufton Floyd Green, Mike Henry, Mrs Malahoo Forte, et al,and the leaders of PNP and JLP "youth Organisations".

One party comes across as having a strong "socialist" mindset -- willing to" tax and share the wealth of the rich" with the "poor", but not appearing to care too much, or to know how to increase wealth.

The other comes accross as being willing and prepared to "take calculated risks" to change the status quo, to increase wealth in a growing economy, etc, while being "confident" to stand on its "record of successful  past performance.".

If you are undecided or uncommitted and you are comfortable with or hopeful about the "mindset" that defends and supports the status quo, there is no need to be undecided or uncommitted.

Nor do you need to remain uncommitted or undecided, in respect of voting in the upcoming election, if you can see and embrace the assertive,confident, free enterprise  "mindset" of the other party.

It may also be important to note that even if it is true that the Eternal Creator is the One who" sets up kings (leaders) and puts them down", and that your/my vote is not what really determines national election results, being stuck  "on the fence" or in the "middle of the road"  is not generally a place from which  the commendation "Well done thou good and faithful servant" is likely to be heard-- except by specific "divine guidance".It is more likely, from here, to find oneself among those who are "neither cold nor hot", to be" spewed out of the mouth", or in the "middle of the road", to be run over by all and sundry. 

There also appears to be a change in the "mindset" of civil society and many others., suggesting that regardless of the outcome of this election, more persons will look to their own efforts rather than to the politicians, while at the same time holding politicians and other public servants more accountable than hitherto... 

Mind-set matters more than ever in this up-coming election, because with the large number of voters who consider themselves to be undecided or uncommitted, observance of this natural phenomenon presents a simple and effective way to distinguish between the "sheep and the goats", and to choose one or the other. 

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