Friday 1 April 2016

Fi Wi Concerns 20160403 - Michael Spence

A New Cable Company?

A new privately owned Jamaican cable company, Digital Interactive Services Limited (DISL), says it expects to roll out Operations Island wide by the first quarter of 2017. The company has been granted an island wide special subscriber television license that will allow it to use both wired and wireless technology to deliver multiple television channels to its customers across Jamaica. The company is the brainchild of Chris Dehring, a former chief executive officer and chairman of telecommunications provider LIME, and David Cassanova. Great, something like this is needed because the old Cable dinosaur technology is both expensive cumbersome and unreliable. I ditched Cable a while now because once you have internet and a smart phone and or smart TV what else do you need the world is in the palm of your hands?29/03/16

Promotion By?
“People must get promotion by merit, by work, not by love; We are tired [to hear] that a man gets promoted because the commissioner likes him".  Montague declared. Now you tell me what is Mr Montague implying? Notice he left out political affiliation, Mr Montague must not be allowed to just mention things without the love or likes of clarification. Anyway you look at it these sounds like slackness, nastiness and corruption and the people of Jamaica need to know about it.29/03/16

Where Is Our Foreign Exchange

Nice cars are all over the place and so are the persuasive advertisements as a large chunk of Jamaica’s foreign exchange earnings and borrowings sunken and tied up in motorized non- productive assets all over the country. Therein lay a significant part of our Foreign exchange (F/E) problems. Stopping the importation of vehicles for eighteen months or less would give us some well needed F/E breathing space lessening the IMF burden on tax payers. Are there any among our political leadership with the guts to do it? 28/03/16

 Crime Industry?

The Crime industry is big business legal and illegal. Gangs are really business corporations where the Criminal Executive Officers (CEOs) find ways and means to earn income legally and illegally. They create employment like any other corporate body with no holds barred. You see where to go therefore to dismantle gangs. You know I am aware of youths whose first jobs are with one of the largest gangs in Jamaica as enforcers collecting dues from bus/taxi parks and elsewhere. 28/03/16

 It is a common refrain"firstly dismantle all domestic criminal terrorist gangs" sounds appropriately academic which we have heard on countless occasions but many believe ISIS or garrisons and scum bags can be bombed and shot away. I repeat your sentiment "socioeconomic conditions" need urgent attention from the ground up to make Dons and criminality redundant or at best not an attractive economic but also dangerous activity. Right now Jamaica could be classified as a "Criminal's Paradise" that must change in the short term for the economy to grow rapidly and surely much faster than the crime industry. 25/03/16

Those Zinc Fences

Removing Zinc fences is good but has not touched the deeper social,cultural,educational and economic problems and therein lay the solutions of dismantling garrisons and factories for criminals.Do you know that Zinc fencing is high security with a built in alarm system any time it is touched you hear the sound think about it and you ever look through one of those little holes you see a wide angle like binoculars and those on the opposite sides cannot see you.You living behind the fence you can see everything on the street without being seen it cannot stop gunshot but everyone learns to get flat, on the ground, under the bed and away from windows. 26/03/16

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