Tuesday 26 July 2016


Government Owes Millions To Those Who Have Suffered

At 17 years old, on the night of April 26, 2008 Kamaal Pitterson's life  changed forever as he walked along the Christian Pen main road in St Catherine with some friends,  stopped by a police constable and as  the cop alighted from a service vehicle, his firearm discharged hitting him. As a result he lost a leg and some fingers. Eight years later, his only cry is for the Government to consider his case and release the money that it has been ordered to pay him. As a tax payer I am saying the government should pay up now this is grossly unjust and he seems to be a great youth who had ambitions and dreams to be a soldier. These are some of the things that could make youths bitter and become radicalized because not even the Justice test is passed like they boastfully pass IMF tests .This youth is not the only one in this dilemma there are many others out there. Attorney General Marlene Malahoo Forte told the Parliament recently that as at June 27, 2016 the Government owed J$512 million to people who had successfully sued the State and of special note is, over the last two financial years. It has gone badly already the youth Kamaal lost a leg and some fingers. As a concerned citizen along with others call for justice to be completed by paying up the agreed compensation of around $Ja 31 million so he and his family can move on with their lives. One advice to him though is for him to consult with a money managers when he gets it so as not to make any wrong move and done the money with nothing to show.19/07/16

Cuba and Tourism 

In Cuba you cannot as a foreigner you cannot even own land outright and you are right Cuba is not into foolishness like us. All I know Cuban tourism is going to compete significantly with us and theirs are going to grow in leaps and bounds. Even for me there great attraction would be little or no crime you are safe with all Cubans. 18/07/16


Jampro must go back to basics coordinate investment proposals, break down the bureaucracy and press the fast forward implementation button. Put together a standing committee immediately chaired by the Minister of Finance with reps from all crucial ministries and agencies meeting once per week or as necessary to make actionable decisions. No single minister on their own should be allowed to make certain decisions regarding investments. Move it Mr. Wheby a word to the wise is sufficient. 18/07/16

Referring To The Comrade Leader

I noted a speaker on an occasion shown on television continuously referring to Mrs. Portia Simpson Miller leader of the opposition as “the Woman" several times I cringed each time it was done. The Mayor of Black River or any other person should never again make that kind of inelegant reference. Even Sis P is acceptable but never again "the woman" should be used. I along with many others I am sure found it crass to say the least. 18/07/16

 Once a Politican, Twice a Child

Once a politician or minister twice a civilian. They should manage the nation’s affairs that when they return to civilian life they can manage the risks that the rest of Jamaica faces every day. If after being in government special security arrangements are maintained for them others while in government have to do nothing as they are ensured protection in the other more secure Jamaica while the rest of us gamble with our daily lives. Maybe special security arrangements should be removed from everyone so we all take our chances and have a vested interest in a more secure Jamaica. Those who want special security should pay out of their own pockets and not by the citizenry who themselves have little or no security and get no bodyguards for the taxes paid. 18/07/16

 Commission of Police!

The Commissioner of police Dr Williams strikes me as a humble Jamaican countryman doing the job to the best of his ability. In Jamaica you say him "cool" but underneath he is no nonsense clean cop who people do not take chances with and gets his job done without fanfare. I think he would wish to be able to do his job without the fanfare associated with the post of commissioner because the truth is that Jamaican police has a big basket to carry water compounded by lack of resources with an ever growing population of criminals being manufactured daily.18/07/16


Sociologically any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment is a crime and the perpetrator is = criminal,
from a legal perspective that person= alleged criminal
Most Jamaicans fall in the category of at least alleged criminals from the courts perspective but sociologically, criminals.
Why do you think crime thrives so well in a Jamaica and added to that is low detection and conviction rates along with an abundance of crime facilitators at all levels of the social and economic class structure in this country. 14/07/16

Michael Spence 

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