Wednesday 31 August 2016

CCTV To Deal With Crime - By AN

Based on reports in the news, the Education Ministry plans to erect closed circuit cameras at the Half Way Tree Transport Centre so that schools can monitor students. 

However, I believe it is the Ministry Of National Security which should have a comprehensive all-island CCTV system with access given to other state agencies. 

With impunity being a significant motivation for persons involved in illicit activities to continue doing so, such an investment would be well worth the cost. With the requisite legislative support we should, at least in the short-term, see significant improvements in the police's investigative capacity as well as the apprehension and conviction of criminals. 

While the indiscipline among our school children is of tremendous concern, the effect of crime on our nation, I believe, is of greater importance. With our ability to tackle our problems all at once being hampered by a lack of financial resources, not only must be prioritize, but we must seek to utilize more collaborative and cost saving methods in addressing the various challenges.

Also, take for example the plan to use drones in the fight against praedial larceny. With recent revelations that praedial larceny is now linked to organized crime, one can readily recognize the need for the National Security Ministry to be the owners of all evidence gathered, then granting other state agencies access as required. 

For several decades now, other jurisdictions have been utilizing CCTV footage to hold violators of their road traffic laws accountable. Not only will motorists do the right thing as they know that they are constantly being monitored but police personnel can be utilized more efficiently.

Until, and even when the JUTC is able to fit tracking devices to all their units, such a system would assist them to monitor their buses, especially those buses that terminate at remote locations.
For national security reasons, the highest levels of confidentiality must be observed with a court order being required before certain agencies/individuals are given access.

This is one area in which we need the support of Corporate Jamaica and I am sure with that support and that of other international partners, we should be able to establish a reliable and comprehensive all-island CCTV system.

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