Sunday 14 August 2016

JPSCo Owed a Whopping JAD4 Billion for Street Lighting!!!

Kelly Tomlin - CEO JPSCo
Last week KSAC councillors complained about the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPSCo) not repairing street lights. Councillors called for an audit to see how many bulbs where not working.

The shocking news out now is that the JPSCo is owed approximately JAD4 billion for street lighting. The figure could be much higher if penalties and interest charges are added.

JPSCo has reported that it has fixed 12,000 street lights since the beginning of the a cost of JAD140 million.

It's seems unusual that the KSAC, other parish councils and the government have been in discussions about this matter as the JPSCo claims, yet some KSAC coucillors were blasting the JPSCo for not doing a good job of repairing street lights.

JPSCo noted that it is also facing the challenge of persons damaging it's street lights when the make illegal conections to the street lights. The JPSCo release mentioned this happening in Maxfied Avenue.

It will be interesting to hear the response from the KSAC and other councillors across the island. It would also be interesting to find out how much is owed to the JPSCo by government departments. My understanding is that the debt goes back for quite a number of years.

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