Wednesday 7 September 2016

Are We Destroying JPS?

Persistent Electricity Theft in Maxfield Avenue Community Destroys Numerous Streetlights

September 7, 2016

Exactly one month after the collaborative move between JPS, the Jamaica Constabulary Force and the residents of Maxfield Avenue to keep streetlights free of illegal connections and thereby functional, 34 or 40% of the streetlights in the area have stopped functioning due to multiple instances of electricity theft. The streetlights are not designed to provide domestic power supply to homes for their electrical appliances – such as refrigerators and televisions. They are therefore being destroyed due to the strain of persistent overloading.

On August 5, 2016, JPS and members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) met with residents of the Maxfield community and local leadership, to hammer out the way forward, given the continued breaches of the streetlights and the resultant malfunctioning of these structures. At the meeting, residents committed to stop connecting illegally to the streetlights as their actions are putting their community at risk. They also committed to holding each other accountable, so as to clamp down on the practice.

The illegal abstraction of electricity has incurred significant costs for the Company.  JPS has carried out repairs on 85 streetlights, at a cost of US$17,000 or J$2.16M – and already 34 no longer work, due to breaches.  Additionally, the Company pays US$5,000 to replace each burnt transformer.  Three transformers have been destroyed in the last 5 weeks alone - due to power theft.

The Company is once again imploring residents of the community to desist from stealing from the streetlights. Residents may make contact with the Customer Service Office nearest them at East Parade in Downtown Kingston, to start the process of regularization.  JPS owes it to its paying customers to eliminate the illegal use of electricity, to create a fair and level field for all.  The Company looks forward to serving all our valued customers, with the reliable quality service they deserve.  

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