Wednesday 28 September 2016

Fi Wi Concern - Michael Spence

September 28, 2016


Have we become Scamaica every corner you turn is a skim, fraud or scam. I wonder if Government isn't also a scam. Right now you can’t trust anybody or anything you hear. The lesson is, always do your own due diligence.24/09/16

Rescue Jamaica

Rescue Rural Jamaica Mr Samuda and you would have rescued Jamaica including your inner cities. Promote the use of hydroponic operations to grow crops such as vegetables in rural communities in an effort to get them re-engaged in the agricultural sector as well as provide them with employment. A special case now exists for Western Jamaica now. Start from St Ann via Trelawney through St James, Hanover down through Westmoreland back up through St Elizabeth use that circle for now Mr Samuda.23/0916

Minister Samuda Promotes Hydroponic Farming

Mr Karl Samuda Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries says he intends to promote the use of hydroponic operations to grow crops such as vegetables in inner-city communities. This is a typical Kingston quasi colonial politician where Kingston dictates and gets everything when agriculture is dying in the rural areas he is focusing on Kingston inner cities and scamming becomes one of the substitutes.

Do not get me wrong it is not a bad idea that he is suggesting and is not a new one either Rural Jamaica is dying and needs a rescue plan to resuscitate economic self-reliant activity in those areas.  

Cannot Be Quick Fix

What you see in Montego Bay is the result of years of neglect and subsequent deterioration. Isn’t there any social scientist in the government to make them know that what is going on in St James cannot be quick fixed by draconian laws or temporary police occupation of territory and that it is a deeper social and economic problem? Let us call for a national rural rescue plan get some rural sociologists on board and how come the social science department at the University of the West Indies so quiet or is it that their comfort zone is so good or are they downright intellectually lazy? Rural development is it that forms the roots of Jamaica if those roots die the tree called Jamaica goes with it we are all dead. Wake up Jamaica at least let us hear the intellectual chatocracy, the masses in the street, vocal minorities, singers and players of instruments the churches with honest intellectuals giving scientific analysis to provide direction. A Rural Development Commission is a must if Jamaica is to be pulled back from the brink and not be a Criminal's Paradise. Rescue rural Jamaica and you would have rescued Jamaica.23/09/16

 Capitalism Needed?

The PNP needs firstly to understand where Jamaica is today in the world around it and where Jamaica needs to go how and the socio economic tools to go there. We are in a globally capitalist world where socialism is dead in most places. We will have to use pragmatic capitalist tools to stake our place in the world. Take notice of the pragmatic Chinese Communist Party they have declared "We are going to use capitalism to grow and develop our country, the only difference with other capitalist countries is that we will try to make as many of our people rich as is possible”. They have now in their party by invitation some of the wealthiest capitalists in the party as they also declare in the face of ultra Marxist criticisms "We need people who understand capitalism to tell us what and how to do it right and in case do it themselves. How many people aware of that the PNP needs to learn from the Chinese and watch out for the Cubans. I predict that Cuba will become the wealthiest and most disciplined capitalist countries in this hemisphere.

Jamaica needs pragmatists not chatter boxers the PNP needs doers, the age of the party dominated by lawyers and people in parasitic professions is over. What about the engineers, manufacturers, farmers, hotelier’s etc.  People who have a record of achievement and not chatfacturing but manufacturing and exports to earn our keep.  Not borrowing our keep and taxing the people to death. Is it that the PNP needs a good Teacher for them to pass the national exams? 20/09/16

 Foot & Mouth Disease

The last time that painful Foot and mouth disease was noted in Jamaica it was confined to St Catherine and the corporate area in 2015. Now in 2016 the cool and calculated Mr. PJ Patterson fired up is diagnosing it in the PNP and the evidence is that it is not confined to a few parishes but all over Jamaica. Renewal is a good sound bite Brother PJ but I ask will it be socialism, capitalism, eat a foodism or slavery? They should first answer clearly the following question. There is now a beautiful dilapidated house called Jamaica to be rebuilt and or renovated what kind of house called Jamaica does the PNP want to rebuild or renovate by general elections in 2020?

Mr. Patterson my suggestion is to continue to deepen the democratic process in the party around the country while seeking a consensus on how to deepen the economic process in the face of the real global capitalist challenges. Bear in mind also that the Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey said "Capitalism to date has been the most productive social and economic system known to man and it is only a fool who would oppose it" .The PNP must rethink its role in the developmental future of Jamaica bearing in mind the global and local realities. Hope by then the PNP brand of foot and mouth disease would have been cured and eliminated from its ranks.19/09/16

 What Pastors Should Do?

This should not deter pastors from doing what they think is right. "Cowards die many times before their death". Al Miller is a strong man and a Christian soldier. Many pastors find excuses to hide behind their pulpits and do nothing meaningful many are cowards unwilling or afraid to confront the evils within the society. How do you explain with more churches per square mile than any other country on the planet yet the country is constantly degenerating into a mire of slackness, nastiness and corruption.

If all pastors were like Al Miller willing to take the message to the hills valleys, streets and lanes risk their own lives in doing so, this country would be a better place. AL Miller is a great man whose humility knows no bounds i applaud his actions. Opting not to go to prison if he does is a missed opportunity of a lifetime i am hoping he does not pay the fine go to prison and minister there and from there would be the greatest act of commitment to his God. Do not pay the fine Al Miller go to prison if you are fit and healthy for it.15/09/16

Have We Been Emancipated?

Black people, descendants of slaves might have had legal Emancipation but are yet to gain their independence to truly emancipate themselves from mental and economic slavery. People must remind themselves that emancipation and independence is not just about song and dance, merrymaking and gyrating. Today almost 540,000 people approximately 20% of the population in Jamaica are denoted squatters. Is that emancipation or independence? 08/05/16

 Too Many Leaders and Bureaucrats

There are 63 MPs, 228 councillors, 14 mayors, 14 deputy mayors, 4 Prime Ministers in terms  of salaries, 17 ministers, 14 ministries, 14 permanent secretaries and approximately 80 agencies and their heads in the office of the Prime Minister. Jamaica’s population is 2.7 million. New York City population is 8.5 million has one mayor. Now you have the numbers you will be able to cut more precisely.08/05/16
Have a peoples tourism project Mr Vaz where each Jamaican gets an incentive monetary or otherwise to invite tourists to Jamaica will also help to deepen the prosperity program instead of it being limited to the top economic class in the country. Here you have it Mr Vaz - The People's Tourism Project (PTP) if one million Jamaicans can invite 3 persons each to Jamaica that's 3 million tourists spending on average $US 1000. Wow, that's $US3 billion. Isn't it worth doing the PTP ? 30/07/16

Michael Spence

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