Friday 25 November 2016

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

Why The Political Code Of Conduct Not Signed?

Less than 25% sign. What happened to the rest? 100 signed to date out of 228 PNP and 228 JLP plus others bringing it to 489.Why 389 local government candidates not signed? Are they so busy campaigning, on their way?... Just did not hear about this code of conduct signing or they think it is a waste of their time? We need to hear from them shouldn’t we? 24/11/16.


NHT is almost like a pyramid scheme/ housing tax that need to deepen its relevance by addressing more rapidly and affordable the housing dilemma in Jamaica. The  growing squatter population is equal to about 30%  to 40% of Jamaicans and over generations so we talking about 1,000,000 of a total population of 3million today. 

This is one of the things that drive crime and other social evils up and therefore has to be dealt with before it becomes a real cancer. When slavery (appr 300000 slaves) was abolished 98 percent squatting and even at independence 1962 with a population of 1.6 million and the majority closer to 90% still landless and squatting was a matter of survival. I sympathize with persons who have had their bought land captured by squatters but this is mainly because no coherent plan by any government to deal with it so it continues unabated and the living man is going to create his own habitat. Squatting breeds’ crime basic stealing light and water then violence added to that and creation of garrisons/factories for the socialization of criminals.

Squatting can be also a serious health threat because of the lack of any regularized amenities such as water, garbage collection/disposal, roads, clinics, education/schools,proper transportation for example. Regularizing squatting is not simply giving people free housing? A lot of the land left by the slave owners who were compensated are still laying around under the UDC and other agencies even some recently swapped with the Chinese in St Ann and St Catherine as part payment for building highways which we the ex slaves and squatters still have to pay to drive on. The two most squatted parishes are Kingston and St Andrew tops the list followed by Clarendon, Westmoreland, St Catherine and St Ann among them. The least squatted are Manchester the lowest followed by St Thomas, Hanover and St Elizabeth. It seems that the level of crime is related to the level of squatting. 24/11/16

Seaga To Be Honoured

One newspaper reports “Seaga to be honoured Friday at C’bean Hall of Fame awards” ,immediately there are those saying he is not deserving of it. In my opinion of Mr. Seaga stands and as dull as you think I am sure it coincides with persons of all or no political persuasions. Ask Peter Phillips or PJ Patterson. I repeat, "Edward Seaga is/was good for Jamaica as no single politician or group of politician can equal or surpass his achievements or contribution to this country in such a deep and holistic way". People should do some basic holistic research to enlighten your views. We still have to thank the detractors for taking time out to stimulate enlightenment through discussion. 22/11/16


Where the solution, reduction or elimination of crime is concerned, most Ministers and Commissioners of police seem clueless and maybe waiting for divine intervention like others before them. Crime reduction is a monumental and difficult task in Jamaica which has more criminals per thousand than most other places in the world and no one is willing to admit it publicly. Crime is any behaviour that attracts a fine or imprisonment if this definition is applied then most of us are criminals making the dilemma of the security and justice system even more critical. It is not just murder or robbery. We should check ourselves and implement a self zero tolerance for even a day.22/11/16

That Police Force

As i listened to a controversial video going the rounds from an ex/policeman one couldn’t help but recall Spy McGregor he had to run away from Jamaica when he began to uncover untoward things that pinpointed top politicians and members from various classes in society. He had to flee arrest when the card that he was engaged in illegal wiretapping was drawn. No one to this day even said McGregor's findings were not true. Where is Mr. McGregor it would be interesting to hear from him since we are at it. Unfortunately slackness has always been defended and no one intends to clean it up. Colonel McMillan tried but being not a squaddie Commissioner no police would really allow him to succeed that is understandable and that is why Lewin could not succeed. Only a squaddie from the ranks can clean it up but there has to be incentives of some sort devoid of politics. 22/11/16

Dealing With Squatting

Michael Spence
While we strive to eliminate squatting it is essential to establish viable, socially and economically integrated communities situated in areas that allow convenient access to economic opportunities, health, educational and social amenities to which all Jamaican people must have access. A permanent residential structure with secure tenure, ensuring privacy and providing adequate protection against the elements, Potable water, internet, and adequate sanitary facilities including waste disposal and domestic electricity supply are all essential components of acceptable human habitation.. All the foregoing should be seen and acted upon as a basic human right which must be guaranteed by the Jamaican constitution in ensuring every man woman and child a defined livable space. I recommend therefore that the Ministry of housing be renamed the Ministry of Human Habitation. 24/11/16

World Boss!!!

Since Kartel’s incarceration at the high-security Horizon Adult Remand Centre in St Andrew the entertainer is said to have voiced a number of new songs so what?. His handlers maintain that they were recorded before he lost his freedom. Now he is to be transferred to the Tower Street prison, popularly known as GP, which is fitted with a fully operational recording studio set up from 2007 and a low frequency radio station FREE FM, People don't remember things this is a better place for Kartel to be. This is where "Jah Cure" Buss out from. He found fame while serving an eight-year prison sentence for a crime. This is precedence and therefore Kartel will be able to do greater things at Tower Street and even buss more youth from there. What about a Tower Street Reggae Festival headlining Kartel is that on the cards? 16/11/16

Editor's note: I wonder if those who are in charge of  the prisions have been benefiting from Kartel's revenue.

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