Sunday 18 December 2016

Is There More To This Chinese Fake RIce?

Plastic Rice Stories On The Internet

There are quite a few of the videos on Youtube about plastic rice in Jamaica. You can also find them on other sites. It's very interesting that quite a number of persons have become overnight film makers. Plastic Rice is now making the headlines in our News.

Plan To Cause Confusion

There might be this so called plastic rice out there but it seems to me that there is an organized plan to cause confusion at this time in Jamaica using these plastic rice stories. There must be a reason for all of this happening at Christmas time. Will this cause businesses to lose money for the Christmas?

There are groups overseas which are also pushing these plastic rice stories. The samples of the rice that I have seen is of poor quality which the poorer persons would normally buy.  I am surprised to see some of these persons cooking this plastic rice in some upscale neighbourhoods!

Are Chinese Merchants Being Targeted?

There seems also a trend nowadays to paint the Chinese people in a bad light. Quite a number of negative stories are going around about the Chinese. Are there any major international forces involved in spreading any propaganda against the Chinese in Jamaica?

There are more questions than answers. While we look for the plastic rice we should check to see if anyone who is making these reports are also making mischief.

See some of the videos below:

Plastic rice reach to Jamaica.
The Raahted Show
Entertainment Show
Star 1 Entertainer
JaRadio TV

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