Thursday 19 January 2017


The five of us, retired professionals, listened as  news broke about the sperm donors of the Moravian Church. We know about parsons and preachers and  church leaders who had and are having sex with people who are not their wives and husbands. Sometimes a child is born and the creative church arrange an adoption or a deportation to a distant land. But so it is until one of their own squeals about the frolicking under the bishops' frocks and with Facebook, Twitter and the into-yu-face social media we'll soon hear who is your real, flesh and blood parent. 

Everything was such a secret  in our day and they covered up the truth about the parson's 'pickney' . who molested minors would be protected by women like the principal of the girls' school and nobody even slapped their wrists. Pastors should admit to their wrong doing, accept paternity of their 'outside' children, give them support, show respect for the poor uneducated girl who facilitated them, step aside from the vestry, seek re-acceptance by their own families and move on with a level of humility. them. 

We older ones know you get fleas when you lie down with dogs.
Then there's the police who caught the parson red-handed. Who is going to catch the police. Can that young girl or her mother report the child-molesting police and to whom? We talked about the police who evening after evening parked in front of a house where the parents, essential workers, did night duty. The older brother was at university in Kingston. The police had sex with the two high school girls, age 15 and 16. The younger girl soon became ill and was taken to the town's doctor who diagnosed Herpes. She caught this incurable disease from her short-term police partner.  The angry parents could take no action because the doctor would sign no forms or send no release on the minor because he feared the disgusting, long, drawn-out misery of the Jamaican court.  He would lose time and business and other patients if he gave a report to  CDA.( We know of a poor woman who attended court 16 times before his pompous lordship threw out the case. Doctors can't afford to waste that time).That doctor prescribed medication for the girl but gave the medical report and details to the parent, one year later, when she turned 16 and became a 'consenting person'. The creaking, ancient, dilapidated court system is manipulated by all the above. 

The church will forgive its preachers, the police will continue to molest minors, doctors will protect their practice and the social media will do its best to expose social ills.  Somebody, somewhere in the vague runnings of things will reach out and help the children victims who cry for help.

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