Sunday 30 April 2017

FI Wi Conceren - Michael Spence

Peter Bunting

Opposition spokesman on national security, Peter Bunting, in the House of Representatives expressed strong reservations about provisions of the Special Security and Community Development Measures Bill, announced last month by Prime Minister Andrew Holness. He pointed out a sentence that states: “This Act should not have the negative impact on Jamaica, which could likely occur if a declaration of a state of public emergency was made.” “In other words, this Act attempts to give state of emergency-type powers to the security forces without having to declare a state of emergency. We should recall that this is not the first time something like this has happened spanning the tenure of both governments and having negative impacts on Jamaica.

Suppression of Crimes Act

Let us take The suppression of crimes act of 1974-1994 is no different with negative impacts such as crime getting worse, increased murders and the police becoming more unprofessional, abusive, lazy and corrupt causing a whole generation of Jamaicans not to trust government or the police.
The police should be left to do policing using intelligence and modern detection techniques to remove criminals from our midst. Give them the resources while growing the economy to remove the nearly One million squatters, unemployed and marginally employed combined from "industrialized idleness" and brain dead politicians  breed disorder and crime.

More and more laws in Jamaica seems like "crime fertilizer" as crime grows and grows in profitability and attractiveness while some die and others get rich legally and illegally side by side. It is in the interest of Jamaica for there to be a sensible, civilized and all inclusive bi- partisan movement towards reducing crime that includes government and opposition. We are at a stage where we need to have an Anti-Crime Commission modelled off the Electoral Commission to deal with making recommendations regarding this crime epidemic and take the partisan politics out of it. New anti crime laws every term in Jamaica is a smokescreen they hardly ever solve anything and this new bill will be no exception. Crime in Jamaica is affecting everyone PNP,JLP, No P, animals, the living ,the dead and everything that moves or stands still. Reducing crime should be everybody's business including the criminals, yesterday, today and tomorrow.21/04/17

Mount Rosser and Savings

I travel this route regularly my vehicle $1200 rate. Now I notice Mt Rosser and around the Gorge full up again. I only use pieces of it from Caymanas to Angels ($180) because around the Gorge is shorter I save gas and money. I use the rest of the money to buy few oranges not a whole bag or the saved $1000 cant stretch, coconut($150) and a Ewarton Crystal ($380) big bread and if Saturday a bundle of calaloo($80) included AND IF ON A Friday or Saturday a $200 high quality soup from Mr Guhbeh at Bog Walk. If in the week no soup so a "Juici Patty" can take the slot. All I do is leave out a little earlier drive within the speed limits and enjoy my savings. If in a hurry for some reason I use the Ewarton to Moneague leg I don't know why they call it Unity Valley make some people end up in Golden Grove looking for Moneague. As to the cost of large trucks and trailers Is more than a week’s minimum wage pay it costs. If you want to survive in Jamaica today you have to master Toll Road economics don’t even bother to complain about the high toll rates the market dictates take it or leave it and things will fall into place.26/04/17

Eat Jamaican

Have Prayer Breakfast every morning eating Jamaican produce only so more food have to plant and drinks have to make and sell thus helping to reduce crime that would be the real divine intervention putting more idle hands to work. By the way Jamaican new Parliament building will be "Made in China"? hope is not so it really go because if anything that is a crime and somebody fi go a prison if they let it into the country and not even duty will be paid on it i hear. Why we nuh start speak Mandarin and done, “ni hao” pronounced “nee haaw” = hello.26/04/17


 "It is clear that legislation alone is not the answer and to be effective, addressing corruption cannot be only a Government initiative." says the Minister State in the Ministry of National Security, Senator Pearnel Charles Jr . We say Simplify Government, join up government, eliminate bureaucracy, make financing for people wanting to do business easier, reduce interest rates with less reliance on physical collateral are important first steps to getting rid of corruption. In other words make life easier for people to live and function honestly. People do not want or love crime and corruption they want a better life and money. Corruption and crime some times are  means to that end unfortunately 26/04/17

Western Jamaica and Crime

Violence in the west will soon die down that is the cycle because western people want money and a better life. Criminal behavior is not part of an embedded rural culture so the move to remove the violence produce must be fast accurate and swift .Delay is danger as it could develop into a guerilla type criminal culture and that is not easy to deal with like urban criminality. Normally countrymen (rural people) are known for hard diligent work not lazy criminal or murderous behavior that is alien to rural communities. 26/04/17

The economic foundation of the society and its people are most important then comes education as reinforcement. If the economic foundation is shattered everything else comes tumbling down = unemployment+ crime+ disorder+ corruption + all the social ills known to mankind. Backtrack with the formula and therein lay the solutions to reducing crime. The police is a miniscule part of the solution that is why almost every commissioner seem to be managers of an escalating industry of crime because at best they can only keep a weak lid on its escalation. To give you an idea in 1962 the year of our independence 55 years ago we had 63 murders and we have gone as high as 1600 last year 2016 it was 1360. One idiotic strategy is creating more laws on top of laws when we are not enforcing the present ones. That has the effect of driving up the industry of crime so that the legitimate and or the illegitimate beneficiaries do better in this thriving industry of crime. Are people aware that if we were able to do the impossible of ending crime the fall out would cripple the country, can we fix that? . 26/04/17

Exchange Rate

I was shocked to discover a large bank sells US$ for $128.90 but buys from you at $115.If this is not criminal exploitation you all tell me what it is how does one explain this almost $14 spread for pushing some papers isn’t that charging a man $14 to change 1$US for you? Is there anywhere we can get at least JA$128 for our $US? If not that published rate is a "fool’s rate" who gets that where are our politicians who made such a storm over fees not noticing this one? 26/04/17

Education and Crime

Education being a solution to crime is only partly true. As Jamaicans become more educated crime increases. More education more sophisticated and efficient criminals. Education without focus and a holistic approach is useless creating more problems than solutions. Simply saying more education less crime borders on intellectual criminality/dishonesty? 26/04/17

Canada and Population

Canada has a population crisis in reverse this is a country larger than the USA by about 2 Jamaica sizes having a population of only 35, million.USA population is about 370 million. Canada with an aging population therefore needs to take in more able-bodied people for the society to maintained or grow it is a survival movement they are on to drain the brains from other countries like Jamaica. 26/04/17

Gun and Carnival

During the recent carnival events a businessman it is reported brandished his gun. This instrument demonstrates the security loopholes at loosely secure events like these and one cannot help but think of the level of escalating terrorist acts across the world and it cannot be business as usual and i also saw a clip of a patron whining up on a policeman looks like good fun but is obviously distracting and must not be tolerated in the future patrons must abide by established rules and security protocols. You know you have a whole heap of young/older irresponsible holders of legal and illegal firearms that need to be reined in and their fire-arms taken away. Of grave concern are the legal holders who think these weapons are tools of style to floss, bully and intimidate/kill defenseless Jamaicans. At least the outright criminal his purpose is clear and when he or she approaches you know what to expect. 26/04/17

Germaine Mason’s Death

Police say speed, alcohol might have contributed to Germaine Mason bike crash .Firstly My condolences to the family, friends, associates and all concerned for the loss of a great son. Because this  is a famous Olympics athlete if we demand a proper forensic investigation to apportion culpability whether it is the person, the bike or the deceased rider or some other unknown intervening variable we might just get it and hope that it becomes the norm. Proper investigations can reveal information that can reinforce behavior that saves lives. Do you recall 2 deaths caused by that dip in front of the British High commission on Trafalgar Road? if you are travelling at a certain speed and not aware it can cause the vehicle/car to fly off course. Those youths I think from Westmoreland were unfamiliar with that roadway. A co-worker of mine also died as a result of a similar thing happening on the Harbor View main road some years ago. I am agreeing with that SPEED +LACK OF SAFETY DEVICES+DANGEROUS SITUATIONS can cause carnage. I however disagreed with one writers attitude expressed in "get with it man bout forensic scientific work this is not a murder case". There was a death and we need to know who or what caused the accident for certain. Too many things are swept under the carpet we need to know who or what caused the accident resulting in a death or deaths on each occasion. There was also a recent accident on the North to south Highway a police youth and a lady lost their lives all we hear are innuendos and useful/useless speculation. This is the age of technology let us apply it to direct our move in civilized  forward march. 26/04/17

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