Wednesday 28 June 2017

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

What is Community Policing

NATIONAL Security Minister Robert Montague is calling for a strengthening of community policing activities by the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). Too many police officers are “locking themselves away in the stations” and they need to go out into the communities to build relations with citizens. Yes Minister many police men have been hearing the words "community policing" for many years if not decades. Can they translate that into meaningful action where is the handbook?, that is where the difficulty is so if not addressed we will continue to hear those words decades from now with no achievement. What does community policing mean Minister and what should communities expect from this thrust more or less bwoy, kick and bax dung, thank you/good afternoon sir or madam, leave the criminals to gwaan eat a food, more arrests, greater collaboration with the Dons, church and other community leaders? A positive hit title for the handbook Minister would be “Left or Write” made available to the police and members of the public so everybody knows what to expect of each other. It should be made available in bookshops, all institutions of learning and content added to the Civics syllabus.15/05/17

Cyber Attack

Russia had nothing to do with a massive global cyber attack, President Vladimir Putin said, criticizing the US intelligence community for creating the original software. If you have good moles from your spy agency you gather the information all the codes and use it against your enemy and blame your enemy for creating such software is a master stroke. Electronic/cyber warfare is the new frontier and both countries are capable of electronic and cyber bombs. This warfare is heating up and is like guerilla warfare tactics which if accessed by terrorists fully could be devastating. This is getting more and more interesting because it is cleaner and will not cause too many deaths as a nuclear war would but could cripple an economy and people’s businesses held hostage.

Have our leaders here in Jamaica yet read the game and gotten up to speed. You recall Br Anancy?if you are attacking also attack yourself for the world to see because that would not be a problem as you have the remedy which you could also leak later on so the other attacked get back on track and would force some talks. We should not forget China, Germany, Iran or an ISIS as proxy. No one is trustworthy in this business your spy network is what you trust to confirm or deny claims, to act or not to act. Do not take Putin lightly he is tough, knowledgeable and competent; remember he was the head of the KGB at one time so he is hands on experience. He and his operatives are picking games from the same playstore.USA is not the same that is why Russia was able to make such a comeback after the disintegration of the Soviet Union the USA needs to get their acts together quickly or could be left behind to our peril. This constant bashing of and lack of support for a more focused Trump/administration could be a disservice to the American people and their allies over the long haul. Take the Middle East, Asia and Africa for example the Russians and the Chinese have surpassed the USA in terms of presence and influence. The USA giant may be sleeping but not anywhere dead, so they better wake up leave the side shows now. Become more focused on the things that really matter to maintain their prosperous democratic space on the planet earth and in outer space for future generations.

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