Monday 31 July 2017

Big Bully & Brother By Octavia Smith

Big  Bully and Brother
Seemed hardest to ignore
You delved into our lives
And and made it your own

“Donned” you the hat of a perfect dude
We just had to listen
Always had to answer
Why? Where? When?

Someone could have warned us
You had a plan to stay, to reign
And always to hold our hands

Yes! We staged our freedom
To outsmart you even
Ranted raved
Always ready to run
To breakfree; to escape
Your charge, your challenge
And your company

The world seemed unready for you
You startled, stunned and confused
The minds of many

Now you no longer grasp our hands
But carefully you hold our hearts
We bounce balls against your thick skin
You now listen to our dissent
And our gripe

Happy you’ve  found a new way
To express your love.
Welcome home

And Happy birthday.

Note: Thanks to my sister Octavia Smith for writing this for me on by birthday. I love you sis.

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