Friday 11 August 2017

PriceSmart Responds To Vernon Derby.

The following email was received from the management of PriceSmart in a response to a complaint that I received from a customer and which was forwarded to PriceSmart:

Good afternoon Mr. Derby,

I am in receipt of your email and would like to first apologise for the poor level of service you have received here at PriceSmart and any inconvenience it may have caused.

Regarding the message on Facebook, we have earlier responded to the member and also apologized. We are working assiduously to have a reduction in the number of incidents received. We are now in the process of planning a targeted training session and do welcome the suggestion you presented.

Additionally, given your position, I believe that we should arrange for a meeting so as to share ideas and possible solutions to ensure that we give all our consumers a more pleasurable experience when they shop. Kindly inform me of a suitable date and time.

If there are any further queries, concerns or comments, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

On behalf of the team here at PriceSmart, we  wish to thank you for your valuable input.

Best regards,

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