Saturday 30 September 2017

Is Prostitution The Problem or the Accuracy of the Figures

There has been  controversy about a statement made by Mr. Sweeney the head of JSIF about ladies being involved in prostitution in Mount Saleb. What should matter is not the statistics of prostitution but the fact that it is a challenge in the area. We should be more concerned about what is happening in the area rather that worrying about this perceived stigmatization of the area.

Release from JASIF
The Jamaica Social Investment Fund wishes to clarify statements made by Managing Director, Omar Sweeney at a Rotary club of Kingston luncheon meeting held yesterday (September28, 2017) at the Jamaica Pegasus.

In his remarks to the meeting the Managing Director, stated that data shows that 85 percent of young women in Mount Salem, St James have engaged in prostitution.
The data that he refers to came out of a Wealth/Poverty Assessment carried out by the Social Development Commission, SDC. Wealth assessments are the basis for anti-poverty strategies, they identify the poor, diagnose the problem and help to set priorities for anti-poverty work.

This was a focus group discussion that took place on January 21, 2016 and was in a report release February 19,2016.

The focus group involved 46 community representatives participating in a session for Mount Salem and outlines information garnered from these 46 young persons in the community between the ages of 13-19 years.

The JSIF wishes to make clear that the Managing Directors statement was not in any way intended to stigmatize persons from the community.

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