Thursday 9 November 2017

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

Book Worm Polices!

A move that must be applauded but we better be careful we don't destroy the police effectiveness with an over emphasis on taking in book worms/academics and no one willing to do hard core policing - everybody wanting to be in the office with pen and paper. Nurse Wollaston who was killed in a supermarket in St Ann’s Bay after making several reports one to the Commissioner’s Office and at least two to the St Ann’s Bay police. The perpetrator should have been immediately taken into custody for at least a cooling off and or Ms Wollaston be provided with round the clock security because several retired politicians have security they do not need.
This lapse has happened over and over again but I guess a lowly nurse was not as important. There needs to be an established protocol going forward as of now it happens too often. A complaint written up in a station diary alone cannot protect people's lives. If UWI, Moneague and UTECH can teach some sense into the JCF and is not just fanciful PR and lectures while people a dead bring it on. The last Commissioner Williams had a PhD. Did that make a significant difference after spending more than a decade reading for such qualifications? Don't get me wrong I am all for education but it must be relevant/ applicable to the JCF and its role in society.07/11/17


This sleeveless nonsense has been going on for years and everyone turned a blind eye. Do you all recall the well-publicized situation at the Registrar General's Department while the competent and amiable Mrs. Holness was at the helm? What is new now is that some upper middle class persons in the vocal minority/intellectuals are affected so they are probably determined to get rid of this and other idiotic/ridiculous dress code that has its genesis in religious fundamentalists being heads of Government departments and principals of schools. 07/11/17

Private sector push for national dialogue on crime 

Another round of talking while people are dying. Anyway "he who has economic power has real political power" The so-called private sector owns and controls more than 95% of the economy government must listen to them and act accordingly, but what will they say? Some businesses and professions grow rapidly with an escalation of fear and crime e.g. security companies, JCF, JDF, crime producers and beneficiaries, arms suppliers, transportation companies, food supplies for prisons, legal services i.e. attorneys, judges, court services etc.Do people really want crime to disappear if that were possible because so many in the economy depend on crime for their survival and opulent lifestyles? 07/11/17

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