Monday 19 February 2018

Bring Back Hanging - Michael Spence

 There are calls from many sectors to "Bring back hanging" which was not gone anywhere.Firstly, our creaking justice system that necessitated the Pratt and Morgan Privy Council ruling that you cannot execute the death penalty if the convict is on death row more than 5 years. 

Next was the separation of murder into two categories Capital (attracts death penalty) and non- capital (no death penalty) and there is still manslaughter. Most murders have fallen into the non-capital category and most of all it was recently announced that our murder conviction rate is a measly 6% so even the catching of murderers is woefully inadequate. 

Of 1600 murders expect only 96 convictions which could take more than 10 years to come to trial with our "Tsunami" type daily increase in court case backlog. While I am a supporter of hanging and would be the hangman for free I see the many hurdles we have to go over to get there.2-3years from charge to conviction to execution I believe is reasonable then the murder deterrent factor would kick in.The greatest deterrent too any crime is the certainty of getting caught firstly and then convicted.15/02/18

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