Friday 2 February 2018

The Law abiding People-Sitting Ducks - Kenneth Grant.

He that play by the rule always get shafted. Not my words but it appears to be true. For a long time now the law abiding citizens of this country have been short changed, pressured, and suffer the most injustice. The recent spate of killings, in particular the killing of our young people have followed the trend consistently.

I cannot afford a gun neither would I be able to get a gun license if I did apply for one. So what do I do, the next best thing was to carry a machete in my car as my gun. Until it became an offence if the Police found you in possession of any form of weapon. The Police cannot be everywhere to protect you so you arm yourself if only to scare off a would be robber. So you play by the rule and do not walk with a toothpick but then you are held up at knifepoint and robbed or stabbed to death like the little school boy. How come you who decide to follow the rule and live as a law abiding citizen end up being shot or stabbed to death. You don’t even have a remote chance to defend yourself as you are unarmed by the state. When you hear of another innocent life being snuffed out you either get angry and want to exact revenge, or you are so immune that it does not affect you anymore.

I sense a pot boiling and when the lid fly off God help us. It is quite funny that we recently celebrated the Birthday of Peter Tosh. A man who did not want any peace, only equal rights and justice. Peter knew what he was singing about. Even today we are still shouting for Justice. If there is no justice then this place will disintegrate into chaos and jungle justice. In days gone by people used to beat a thief and light them on fire. We don’t want to return to those days but it could happen. We might feel safe behind our grills and automatic gates, but no one is immune. Gunshot have no sense of direction our conscience. If law abiding citizens are to stand any chance against those who seek to maim and kill, then the authorities should seriously look at arming the rest of us. Right now we are sitting ducks and we all know what the duck got.

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