Sunday 6 May 2018

Fi Wi Concerns - Michael Spence

It is absolutely misguided thinking for some people is even suggesting keeping the State of Emergency for 10 years. If we want state of emergency conditions just reinstate the Suppression of Crimes Act 1974 - 1994 which gave the police most if not all the powers under a state of emergency. 
During that 20 year period I call it kick dung, bax dung, lock up, net fishing and shoot dung policing so the real civilized policing deteriorated to what we have now. Most of the police in the top tier would have joined the police force during that period and therefore the emphasis on investigations, embedded intelligence gathering got thrown out the window and the mastermind principle of management seem not work.

During the period 1974-1994 which way did crime go? Let’s take murder in 
1974 :   195 
1984 :   484
1994 :   690
2004 :  1470
2014:   1005
2017:   1616

Only one period in Jamaica 1980 murders totaled 899 and trended down by 1981 was at 490 stayed below 500 until 1990: 543 and then trended up touching the 1045 by 2002 and then all hell broke loose upwards to what we have now 1616 in 2017 and 2018 seems to be shooting upward quickly.
In 1962 the year of our Independence there were 63 murders after that as Jamaicans became more worldly and educated we seem to have become more uncivilized. 
Are we asking to bring back slavery or return to colonial rule as the last time there was full employment and I suppose very low murder rates and crime was the day before slavery was abolished about 350,000 slaves became squatters which today has mushroomed to about 1million have become "factories for criminals”. Use your Jamaican intelligent eyes to solve our problems that must be data driven crime/murders is the result of a holistic combination of social, economic and cultural things so looking to the police commissioner and the Minister of national security to solve it is misguided. 
Where are the social scientists particularly social anthropologists and sociologists on board to whom no one seems to listen? Instead it seems social media, radio and Television stations are driving action even so it must be data driven.03/05/18

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