Saturday 1 September 2018


Is who sey so? The five of us, retired professionals, exchange glances and wonder if justice and truth will ever be ours at any time soon. What are we saying or what are we talking about for these are two different exercises.

Are we saying justice is ours when cold killers rub shoulders with us, never been punished; will live their three score years and ten, and will get big funerals like ours for no witness will ‘speak the truth and speak it ever’ about them for ‘cost it what it will’ could be his life. Are we saying children will be raped, murdered and burnt and justice and truth remain blind, deaf, and dumb? Are we saying banks can continue to make senior citizens’ rainy-day accounts disappear dormant and extort extravagant fees on all who enter their ‘parlour’ to do business? Where is Justice when JPS, on a Friday afternoons, sneaks and cuts off the light to the home that hosts ailing senior citizens when there is a law against that cruel activity? We are saying … prayers.

We are talking about this small country; under 3 million people with a good sized police and military force, 10 newspaper outposts, 30 radio stations, legal and illegal, 5 television stations and an over-abundance of lawyers. Unlike USA with its more than three hundred million people, can catch a shooter within hours of his criminality, we talk about killers who just blow on their freshly fired guns and walk, not run, into the sunshine where viewers take telephone pictures for Facebook and Twitter. We are talking about the silence of justice and truth and how long they will remain inactive as in our national song.

We pray that some brave people will sprinkle sea salt on the snails of justice that crawl here and spring them into action and that something will loosen the truthful tongues of those who see and know the happenings. Justice; truth be ours forever?

By Veronica Blake Carnegie.

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