Saturday 1 December 2018

JTA Head Dr. Garth Anderson Calls Teachers Civil Servants!!!!!!

There has been plenty discussions about students being ready for PEP which is the Primary Exit Profile examinations. Students are not stupid and the problem of students not being ready probably should be placed at the feet of the school administrators and teachers.

JTA President Dr.  Garth Anderson.

Schools Need Leaders

I find it unbelievable that we have school administrator with their first and second degrees and some even have their PhD who have to be blaming the education officers and the Minister of Education, Youth and Information each time they have a problem related to the educatonal system.

PEP Weeping and Wailing

Earlier this year there was a chorus of weeping and wailing  by teachers and administrators singing the song, 'We are not ready for PEP". Many complained that they needed more training. I have always said that teachers these days generally need more training for everything.

It's amazing that years ago, in the rural ares for example, most teachers were pre-trained teachers. Trained teachers then use to  do a two year college course after which they would get a teachers certificate. Now many teachers at the primary level have their teaching diplomas and even a first degree.

The current president of the JTA, Dr. Garth Anderson has been shedding this PEP examination to pieces. I am yet to hear him encourage his members to do research and try and help themselves. I am yet to hear of seminars being put on by the JTA to encourage teachers to embrace this new examination. If this type of examination is the way to go, then I would have expected the JTA to have started a PEP sensitization programme for their members.

JTA Head Calls Teachers Civil Servants!!!

I am probably is expecting too much from the JTA head. Think of it, the head of the JTA who is the holder of a doctorate referred to teachers as civil servants. Can you imagine if he was give a PEP essay to write on the topic, "Teachers - Should They Be Civil Servants"?  He would certainly fail that PEP. Finally Mr. President, Fear is not pronounced as /fare/.

Note: Listen to the speech

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